Educational Opportunities at Saint Paul’s
Growing in faith, hope, and the love and knowledge of God is an ongoing way of life for every Christian. Our Sunday School and Adult Christian Education Series are open to all–Christians and seekers alike–who desire to learn more about what it means to “grow in holiness and righteousness all the days of our life.”
Sunday School
Saint Paul’s offers Sunday School classes each week from October through May for children between the ages of 5 and 12. Classes meet in the Rectory on Sunday at 9:45am. The hour-long classes offer a balance of worship, exploratory learning, and art projects related to weekly bible lessons.
At the end of the year, children put what they have learned into practice by fundraising for a charity of their choice and doing other meaningful activities to benefit those in need. Children are also invited to take part in a kids’ choir and children’s service during the Christmas season.
For more information, contact the Director of the Sunday School, Jean Del Colliano, through the church office at at (718) 625-4126 or

St. Andrew’s House Library
The Rectory Library contains 2500 circulating volumes organized by subject: the Bible, theology, worship, prayer, ethics, history, biography, and other topics. The library catalog is available online:
Adult Christian Education
Saint Paul’s offers a range of Adult Christian Education opportunities immediately following Mass on Sundays. A sample of current and past topics includes:
Introductory Bible Basics class
Prayer Days: Workshops teaching different styles of prayer—including Ignatian prayer, centering prayer, and praying the rosary—to help one explore one’s relationship with God
A class exploring Anglican identity and spirituality
A series of forums on racial justice and reconciliation in the church, including small group discussions, videos and suggested readings, an interfaith panel, and community dialogue
Discussion of Pope Francis’s encyclical “Laudato si: On the Care of Our World”
Field trips to exhibitions of: 1) English translations of the Bible; 2) Donatello statues of Apostles from the Florence Duomo; 3) documents and artifacts about Martin Luther in 500th anniversary year of the beginning of the Reformation