Worship at Saint Paul’s draws on our Anglo-Catholic heritage, bringing together liturgy and ceremony with a devotional, contemplative spirit. We celebrate Mass each Sunday, sharing the Eucharist together, praying, and reflecting on Holy Scripture.

Believing that beauty attunes us to God, Saint Paul’s seeks to worship God in the beauty of holiness, engaging all the senses—through the poetry of hymns, incense, ritual, movement, and the marvel of the Church itself—awakening us to Christ’s invitation of love.

St. Paul’s maintains a “program year” which starts at the end of September or early October and continues through June. During the program year, there is a Solemn High Mass on Sunday at 11 am, which lasts for about 70 minutes. The Mass entails a sung liturgy, an anthem (short musical composition) sung by the choir, and congregational hymns.

On Wednesdays at 9 am, Low Mass is said at the High Altar or at one of the side Altars as appropriate to the day.

The Daily Office (Morning and Evening Prayer) is said throughout the week on Zoom. For the Zoom link, subscribe to our Newsletter.

Monday, 5:30 pm, Evening Prayer

Tuesday, 8:00 am, Morning Prayer

Wednesday, 5:30 pm, Evening Prayer

Thursday, 8:00 am, Morning Prayer

Friday, 8:00 am, Morning Prayer

Saturday, 9:00 am, Morning Prayer

During the summer, a shorter Low Mass with hymns is held on Sunday at 10:00 am. Parishioner Willie Martinez and fellow performers also offer a series of Jazz Masses.

The church is normally open for prayer and self-guided walk-abouts on Saturdays from 1:00 – 3:00 pm.