Dear Parishioners of St. Paul's,
This Sunday, August 6 following Mass, the Transition Team will be hosting the second informal small group discussion in the sanctuary to share our reactions to Father Cullen's departure and give all a chance to ask questions.
This is an ongoing group, so if you miss this one, don't worry, another will be offered in two weeks on Sunday, August 27.
If you attended the last group on July 23, you are welcome to come again to this one.
Transition Team is also charged with planning a celebration of outgoing clergy. We know that everyone at St. Paul's wants to give Fr. Cullen a great send-off, and we are starting to plan a festive coffee hour after his last mass on Sunday, September 10. We welcome your questions, ideas and participation.
Please feel free to email me at
Lilo Rivera
Chair, Transition Team