Stewardship Reminder email 2016


Dear *|FNAME|*

This Stewardship season, in an effort to save money, we did not mail out 2016 pledge cards, but instead distributed them at church.  And so far we have received over half of the pledges that we planned for.  However, it’s a busy time of year, and many parishioners have not yet been around to pick up a card, or they have picked one up, but have not yet been back to hand to it in. 
This is to let you know that you will shortly receive a card in the mail.  We want to make it as easy as possible for you to make your pledge.  It is especially critical this year that we maximize pledge participation.  In the course of 2015 we lost many parishioners, friends that have passed away or relocated.  Of course, we have also lost their contributions.     
Because of these losses, 2015 pledged contributions are coming in 15% below budget.  This makes it necessary to ask everyone to do what they can to increase their pledge, to help cover the shortfall we are experiencing. 

As alternative to waiting for the mail, you can simply click here to send a confidential email with the amount you want to pledge.  (Remember to indicate whether it is weekly, monthly or annual.)
Thank you,
Doug Munson
Chair, St. Paul’s Stewardship Committee

St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Clinton & Carroll Streets, Brooklyn.
718-625-4126  •  email:  •  Donate
Rector: The Reverend Peter Cullen  |  Music Director: Vince Peterson

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