Stewardship (copy 01)


Dear *|FNAME|* *|LNAME|*,

This year the Stewardship Committee is initiating the 2016 Pledge Campaign with an email, instead of a letter with a stamped return envelope.  This allows us to reduce postage expense.  Think about that, as you read on.
2015 has seen many changes in the life St. Paul’s.  We have welcomed new parishioners, and have had to say goodbye to our neighbors who have moved away.  We have witnessed birth and baptism, and mourned the passing of cherished friends.  We have torn up floors, put down tile, scraped away paint and rust, resurfaced walls, and improved the grounds in many ways.
This buzz of activity, with its highs and lows, is a testament to St. Paul’s vitality and humanity.  Only a lifeless institution remains unchanged from week to week and year to year - and St. Paul’s is far from lifeless!
The ebbs and flows of life at St. Paul’s of course have an impact on the pledges that fund our operations, and as it happens, in 2015 we have lost many generous parishioners, resulting in a serious decline in overall pledges.  Through August, regular contributions are more than 15% below budget.
St. Paul’s needs your help.  As chair of the Stewardship Committee, I would ask you to ask yourself: can I give just a little bit more?  I hope you will find that you can.
A 15% deficit may seem like a lot to make up, but consider:  if you currently pledge $10 a week, to increase that by 15% would cost just $1.50 – less than the cup coffee you grab on your way to work…just on Mondays!  If you pledge $20 a week, it’s still less than that cup of coffee – that is, if you pick it up at Starbucks.
October is pledge month at St. Paul’s.  Every Sunday, beginning October 4, 2016 pledge cards will be available at the church.  Please take some time now to consider what you will be able to pledge for 2016, so that you will be ready to fill out your pledge card when you come to church.  And when filling out your pledge card this year, reflect on how much you value the place that St. Paul’s has in your life, and ask yourself if that isn’t worth one less cup of coffee.
Doug Munson
Chair, St. Paul’s Stewardship Committee

St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Clinton & Carroll Streets, Brooklyn.
718-625-4126  •  email:  •  Donate
Rector: The Reverend Peter Cullen  |  Music Director: Vince Peterson

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