The Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost
- Solemn Mass: 11:00
- Sunday's Appointed Readings: Exodus 17:1-7, Psalm 78: 1-4, 12-16, Philippians 2:1-13, Matthew 21:23-32
- Preaching: Fr. Griffith
Sunday School and Dinner
- Sunday School for children aged 6-12 begins next Sunday, October 8th at 9:45. A new Sunday School Class has been added for 3-5 year-olds, and that begins the following week, October 15th. Please see Jean Del Colliano for details.
- Friday, October 20th is the date for our first Third Friday Dinner of the season. Mark your calendars now and watch your bulletins and email for more details, as the date gets closer. You can also speak to our master chefs, Ken Schwartz or Keith Edwards.
- The Blessing of the Animals will be organized by the people of Sacred Hearts and St. Stephen’s Roman Catholic Church this year. It will be held this coming Saturday, September 30th between 1 and 2 p.m. in their parking lot at the corner of Carroll and Hicks Streets (where we began our 150th service on September 10th.)
- St. Paul’s 29th Annual Auction is Saturday, December 2nd, just in time for Christmas shopping. Although this is months away, for the auction to be a success, it takes careful planning and a lot of work. Right now, what you can do is mark your calendars and contact the wardens or members of the vestry and tell them you would like to help with the planning and organization work that must take place in the months to come.
Fr. Cullen’s Retirement
- You fill be happy to know that Fr. Cullen and his belongings arrived safely in Florida. His father’s home was in no way damaged by the hurricane, and they never lost electricity. Though we miss him, we wish him well in his new home.
- If you would like to donate to Fr. Cullen’s gifts (the ikon and the Lamb of God photograph), place your donation in an envelope, clearly marked with your name and “Fr. Cullen’s Gifts”, and mail it to St. Paul’s Church or drop it in the collection plate.
Disaster Relief
- Please keep the people of Mexico, the Caribbean, and Gulf of Mexico in your prayers. The money that we collected for hurricane relief has been sent on to Episcopal Relief and Development. If you would like to contribute to hurricane relief directly, go to www.episcopalrelief.org for more information. You can also pick up a flyer about ER&D at the back of the church

St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Clinton & Carroll Streets, Brooklyn.
718-625-4126 • email: info@stpaulscarrollst.org • Donate
Rector: The Reverend Peter Cullen | Music Director: Vince Peterson