Sept 15



The Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost, September 18, 2016

  • Low Mass with Hymns, Baptism, and Renewal of Marriage Vows: : 10:00
  • Covered Dish Lunch after mass—Celebrating “Doris-Day” on Sunday!  St. Paul’s most long-time parishioner, Doris Williams, is excited to be the official hostess of “Doris Day at St. Paul’s”, when mass will NOT be followed by stale gingersnaps and weak iced tea, but by one of our fabulous Covered Dish lunches.  The days will still be warm, so bring only a cold or room temperature dish to be shared with fellow parishioners.  Doris-Day-Sunday will kickoff Stewardship Season, and we can’t wait to celebrate the life and ministry of Doris Williams who for over a half-century has inspired us all not only by her exuberant church hats, but by her volunteer service, regular devotion, and her long commitment to the generations of children she has brought, and continues to bring to mass with her.  During Mass, one of Doris’ granddaughters will receive the Sacrament of Holy Baptism, and parishioners Jean and Robert Del Colliano-Shriver will renew their Marriage Vows on the occasion of their 10th anniversary.  At lunch some  “how to get involved in St. Paul’s” information will be shared with all.  So, bring friends and a hearty appetite too!  And since it will be Doris’ special “Doris Day at St. Paul’s” she encourages us all to think about wearing a “church hat”.  (The Rector wont let men wear their hats during mass, but will look aside if they choose to wear them at the lunch table!) 


  • Jazz@Mass  Join us at this summer of ‘16’s final Low Mass at 10:00 on Sunday, September 25, as our own Willie Martinez and his jazz musician friends help us begin our shift from laid-back summer into our full October through May schedule of worship and activities.  Jazz@Mass Sundays are always a highlight of summer at St. Paul’s, and provide an all too rare opportunity for jazz musicians to offer their gift to the Glory of God in the context of worship.  This year’s Jazz@Mass is being offered in loving memory of Irving King, life-long parishioner and sometime Latino Jazz musician.  Bring a friend.
  • Fall Schedule begins on October 2—Mass moves to 11:00; Sunday School begins at 9:45

St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Clinton & Carroll Streets, Brooklyn.
718-625-4126  •  email:  •  Donate
Rector: The Reverend Peter Cullen  |  Music Director: Vince Peterson

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