October 27



The Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost, October 30, 2016

  • Sunday School: 9:45
  • Solemn Mass: 11:00
  • Sunday's Appointed Readings: Isaiah 1:10-18; Psalm 32:1-6; 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12; Luke 19:1-10; Preaching:  The Rector 


Saturday, November 5!

  • Buy tickets and get a sneak preview at the Auction Table at coffee hour
  • Lots of ways to get involved: try for this year's gorgeous quilt, boost your luck with raffle opportunities
  • Plan your bidding strategies--buddy up with friends to bid on one of our popular parishioner-hosted dinners
  • View Updated Preliminary Auction Catalog
  • Let the bidding begin!


Optional Subhead

  • Stewardship Season at St. Paul’s  Did you receive your 2017 Pledge Card in the mail?  Besides the pledge card to be filled out, it includes a self-addressed, stamped envelope for your use. We use these “Pledge Cards” to record this amount we hope to donate to the parish in 2017, then we return them into the Stewardship Committee who maintains records in confidence.  The Vestry basis our new year’s budgeting on the information received.  If a “pledger’s” circumstances change during the course of the year, their “pledges” may be lowered (or raised!) accordingly.
  • Socks!  This fall, the youth group is collecting CLEAN NEW WARM men's socks for the homeless men who eat at the CHIPS Center on 4th Ave. We would like to get as many socks as possible in the next month, so that we can make a donation to them before the winter season. Please bring your socks on Sundays to Coffee Hour where we will have a collection box. If you have any questions, you can talk to Eoin Riley-Duffy or other member of the youth group.
  • The Solemnity of All Saints’ will be celebrated next Sunday, November 6th. This is also the celebration at which our parish remembers the All Saints’ Feast in 1867 when the cornerstone of our present building was laid.  God Willing, a year from now, on All Saints’ Day, 2017, we will give thanks for 150 years of worship and service in this place. 


  • Saturday night, November 5th, Daylight Savings Time ends, Don't forget to set your clocks back  one hour
  • The New York Marathon also falls on next Sunday November 6th, which means that many lanes of street traffic are cut off.  Remember to check your travel plans!

St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Clinton & Carroll Streets, Brooklyn.
718-625-4126  •  email: info@stpaulscarrollst.org  •  Donate
Rector: The Reverend Peter Cullen  |  Music Director: Vince Peterson

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