The Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost, October 9, 2016
- Sunday School: 9:45
- Solemn Mass: 11:00
- Sunday's Appointed Readings: 11:00 a.m., Mass Readings: II Kings 5:1-3, 7-15c; Psalm 111; 2 Timothy 2:8-15; Luke 17:11-19; Preaching: The Rector
- Committal of the Ashes of Irving King into the Columbarium: upon the conclusion of mass
- POSTPONED 'til October 16th! The Adult Christian Ed fieldtrip to the Morgan Library’s current exhibit: Hans Memling: Portraiture, Peity, and a Reunited Alterpiece, has been rescheduled for Next Sunday, October 16, after mass. For more information, please contact the parish office at 718-625-4126, or ask to speak with Rufus Hallmark. All welcome!
- Fall’s first “Third Friday Supper for Charity”: October 21. Parish cooks cook up a storm in the parish hall kitchen, and friends and neighbors pay a cheep price to eat great food and visit with nice folks. This is a “drop-in” affair; arrive as your schedule permits, then leave without having to wash any dishes. All proceeds to Episcipal Ministries.
- Stewardship Season at St. Paul’s: Scripture teaches us that we have been entrusted with the careful stewardship of all that has been given to us—our soul, our domestic relationships, our earthly possessions, our tallents, etc. As Christians were are also encouraged to share a portion of our blessings with the Household of God. So, every fall we are reminded of our calling to be good stewards, and in this larger context we are asked to make a “pledge” of how much money we hope to give to the parish during the course of the upcoming year. We use “Pledge Cards” on which to record this amount, then we turn them into the Stewardship Committee who maintains records in confidence. The Vestry basis our new year’s budgeting on the information received. If a “pledger’s” circumstances change during the course of the year, their “pledges” may be lowered (or raised!) accordingly.
Coming up on November 5th!!
- Lots of ways to get involved: grab your tickets, try for this year's gorgeous quilt, boost your luck with raffle opportunities, or take out an ad for your family or business in the expanded auction catalogue that will be available on-line starting in October and in person at the event.
Let the bidding begin!
- View a preview of the catalog

St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Clinton & Carroll Streets, Brooklyn.
718-625-4126 • email: info@stpaulscarrollst.org • Donate
Rector: The Reverend Peter Cullen | Music Director: Vince Peterson