Nov 2



November 5  – All Saints’ Day, (Trans.)

  • Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. for 6-12 year-olds; 10:15 a.m. for 3-5 year-olds
  • Sung Mass with Hymns: 11:00
  • Sunday's Appointed Readings: Revelation 7:9-17, Psalm 24:1-10, 22, I John 3:1-3, Matthew 5:1-12
  • Fr. Griffith will preach
  • Hymns: [287] For All the Saints, [618] Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones
  • Anthems: “O Quam Gloriousum” (Tomas Luis de Victoria), “Better Is One Day” (Matt Redman). 
  • Service Music will be the Hurd Mass as we celebrate St. Paul’s anniversary of the consecration of the building.
  • NOTE: Set your clocks behind Saturday night!
  • NYC Marathon, prepare for traffic!


Welcome Fr. Wallace

  • Our wardens are happy to announce the calling of our new Interim Priest, The Rev’d Dr. Sean M. Wallace.  You can pick up a copy of a brief biography of Fr. Wallace from any of the ushers. 
  • Fr. Wallace’s first Sunday with us will be next week, November 12th. 
  • Please introduce yourself to him and help him feel that "St. Paul’s welcome".


for First Presbyterian's food pantry

  • Starting this coming Sunday, November 5 and continued through the month of November, the children invite you to place donations of non-perishable food items in the bins that are located in the rear of the church.  Of particular need are protein items, such as peanut butter, tuna, and cans of Vienna sausages.  Also needed are boxes of pasta, bags of rice, pasta sauce, canned vegetables, canned soup, juice, and other such items.  Please do not bring any opened or expired items!  And as always, thank you for all your generous donations!!!  If you have any questions, please feel free to speak with Jean Del Colliano.


Saturday, December 2nd, just in time for Christmas! 

  • Calling All Crafters?  Do you sew, knit, crochet, build, bake, can, create?  Start now – We need your handcrafted items for the Crafts Table at the Auction.  See any of the Auction planners to let them know that you’re knitting, baking, building, painting, etc. for us.
  • Have a priceless item that’s taking up too much room in your Brooklyn apartment?  Would you like to donate it to the auction?  Have a favorite restaurant where they know you by name?  Maybe they’d like to donate dinner for two.  The catch is, we need all the auction donations by Saturday, November 11th.  (or maybe Sunday, the 12th at the very latest.)  See Madge Willner or anyone at the Auction Table at Coffee Hour.
  • Family "Ads" - Is there a family event or person you want to commemorate? Maybe you would like to express your gratitude by purchasing a family "ad" in the printed catalog. Please see Karen Rolnick or Madge for details.
  • Quilt Raffle Tickets are now available for you to purchase for yourself or to sell to your friends and family.  Visit the Auction Table at Coffee Hour.

St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Clinton & Carroll Streets, Brooklyn.
718-625-4126  •  email:  •  Donate
Interim Priest: The Rev’d Dr. Sean M. Wallace
Music Director: Vince Peterson

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