Nov 19



The Last Sunday after Pentecost: Christ the King, November 22, 2015

  • BRING A FRIEND TO CHURCH SUNDAY:  November 22  Lots of people say that more than once it crossed their minds to check out what church might be like, but they don’t know how to “do it”—how to “go” and how to “act” once they cross the threshold.  Give them the gift of an invitation!  Ask them if they’d like to come to church with you this Sunday!
  • Sunday School:  9:45
  • SUNDAY'S APPOINTED MASS READINGS: Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14; Psalm 93; Revelation 1:4b-8; John 18:33-37; Preaching: The Rector. 


  • THANKSGIVING IN RED HOOK – This Tuesday, November 24, St. Paul’s and Good Shepherd Services are sponsoring community outreach event.  At 4:30 pm, we will meet at church and walk over to P.S. 676 (27 Huntington St.) where the St. Paul’s volunteers will serve Thanksgiving dinner and have an evening of Fellowship with our neighbors in Red Hook.  We encourage you to bring the entire family.  For additional information, contact Seth Edwards or the church office.
  • ADVENT SEASON BEGINS NOVEMBER 29 – The four weeks before Christmas are serve to help us prepare our hearts and minds for the Christmas feast.  In both home and church devotions are focused upon the coming (the “advent”) of Christ.  A flyer outlining various ideas for celebrating Advent in the Home will be made available this coming last Sunday before Advent.
  • ADULT CHRISTIAN EDUCATION OFFERING for December 20 –  “Re-Considering Handel’s Messiah”, a presentation led by Rufus Hallmark and Vince Peterson as a prelude to our annual “Messiah Sing” to be held later that evening.
  • ANNUAL CHRISTMAS BOOK DRIVE – St. Paul’s collects new books to be given as gifts to children ages 6 through18.  On the first two Sundays of Advent, unwrapped book donations may be brought to Church, after which they will be wrapped by volunteers and made ready for distribution to those in need.  For more information, please ask to speak with Anne Hallmark.
  • CHRISTMAS GREENS—MEMORIALS AND THANKSGIVINGS – Special envelopes to assist you in making contributions for the greening of the Church at Christmas will be placed in Sunday bulletins beginning this Sunday (Christ the King) through Advent III.  Please use these envelopes not only to make your donation, but to PRINT clearly the name(s) of those you wish to have printed in the Midnight Mass bulletin.
  • MESSIAH Sing Sunday, December 20, 7:00 p.m. – Already our (now) annual Messiah Sing has become a favorite holiday event of parishioners and neighbors alike.  And although tickets are “cheep,” a crowded audience greatly helps the parish budget.  Idea:  Consider giving tickets as Christmas presents!  Our own Vince Peterson directs a baroque orchestra and professional soloists, while the audience sings the great choruses of Handel’s Messiah, concluding with the thrilling Hallelujah chorus.  After the “sing,” all are invited to the Parish Hall for seasonal homemade cookies and warm cider.  Tickets ($20) are on sale during Sunday Coffee Hours, an on line at

St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Clinton & Carroll Streets, Brooklyn.
718-625-4126  •  email:  •  Donate
Rector: The Reverend Peter Cullen  |  Music Director: Vince Peterson

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