November 19 – Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
- Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. for 6-12 year-olds; 10:15 a.m. for 3-5 year-olds
- Sung Mass with Hymns: 11:00
- Sunday's Appointed Readings: Judges 4:1-7, 14-25, Psalm 123, 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11, Matthew 25:14-30
- Fr. Wallace will preach.
- Hymns – 632, O Christ, the word Incarnate; 490, I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light; 655, O Jesus, I have promised; 680, O God, our help in ages past.
Saturday, December 2nd
- Auction Preparation is in full swing. Have you found a way to help out? Check below to see all of the service opportunities that are available to you.
- Calling All Crafters? Do you sew, knit, crochet, build, bake, can, create? Start now – We need your handcrafted items for the Crafts Table at the Auction. See any of the Auction planners to let them know that you’re knitting, baking, building, painting, etc. for us.
- Volunteers Welcome. If you have time and energy, the auction committee could use some volunteers to help with some of the pre-auction work that needs to be done. You can volunteer at the Auction Table or speak to any member of the committee: Keith Edwards, Sandy Miller, JillEllyn Riley, Karen Rolnick, Ken Schwartz, Lori Sims, Rob Snyder, Anita Strautmanis, and Madge Willner.
- Quilt Raffle Tickets are now available for you to purchase for yourself or to sell to your friends and family. Visit the Auction Table at Coffee Hour.
- Remember, St. Paul’s 29th Annual Auction is Saturday, December 2nd, just in time for Christmas shopping. Tickets are available now. Seating is limited. Visit the Auction Table or contact the church office.
- Get a Sneak Preview of some of the exciting things in the auction this year! Click here to view preliminary pdf.
- Once again, the youth group will be collecting CLEAN NEW WARM men's socks for the homeless men who eat at the CHIPS Center on 4th Ave. Our goal is 50 pairs of new warm socks. Our deadline is December 17, so the men can have them before Christmas. Please bring your sock donations on Sundays to Coffee Hour where we will have a collection box. If you have any questions, you can talk to Eoin Riley-Duffy.
- Please remember our Sunday School's food drive for the month of November. Containers have been decorated and placed at the back of the church for your donations. Of particular need are protein items, such as peanut butter, tuna, and cans of Vienna sausages. Also needed are boxes of pasta, bags of rice, pasta sauce, canned vegetables, canned soup, juice, and other such items. Please do not bring any opened or expired items! And as always, thank you for your generosity. If you have any questions, please feel free to speak with Jean Del Colliano.

St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Clinton & Carroll Streets, Brooklyn.
718-625-4126 • email: info@stpaulscarrollst.org • Donate
The Rev. Dr. Sean M. Wallace, Interim Rector
Vince Peterson, Music Director