The Twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost, November 15, 2015
- SOLEMN MASS: 11:00
- SUNDAY'S APPOINTED MASS READINGS: Daniel 12:1-3; Psalm 16:5-11; Hebrews 10:11-25; Mark 13:1-8; Preaching: The Rector
- ADULT CHRISTIAN EDUCATION after Coffee Hour: A discussion of Pope Francis’s recent Encyclical, Laudato Si—“On Care for our World”—will be led by Dr. Rufus Hallmark, Keith Edwards, and John Prince. Those planning to attend are encouraged to read the Encyclical, which may be easily found by Googling “Laudato Si”. All are welcome to attend this presentation, which will be held in the Library.
- THE YOUNG PARISHIONER INITIATIVE—what is it? Inquiring minds what to know! We will be having two information sessions for those interested in the new initiative St. Paul's is starting for Jr. High and High School age young parishioners. We will meet on two Sundays, November 15 and 22, after Mass. Fr. Bob Griffith, Will Holshouser, and Willie Martinez are organizing meetings for young parishioner Christian Formation, for doing Good Works, and for an intentional time with a priest of St. Paul's. If you would like more information, please contact Fr. Bob at blgriffith@yahoo.com.
- ST. PAUL'S AUCTION grossed just over $20,000. With very little overhead, the parish netted about $19,650. Exact figures are being finalized. Again and again, our thanks are extended to all who worked so hard and contributed so generously.
Next Week, November 22
- Every parishioner is encouraged to participate! Invite someone to join you at mass next week. Many non-churchgoers say that they have always thought about going to church, but that they don’t quite “know how to do it!” Grant them a favor of an invitation. Share Good News.
- THANKSGIVING IN RED HOOK, Tuesday, November 24. Each year, volunteers from St. Paul’s help serve up a great feast for hundreds of our neighbors in Red Hook at the annual Good Shepherd Service’s Thanksgiving-time Community Dinner. Would you help share in this celebration of thanks? Watch for details and signup procedures in next week’s announcements!
- ADULT CHRISTIAN EDUCATION OFFERINGS: The parish’s Adult Christian Education Committee invites all to join them in the Rectory Library for their monthly, post-mass hour-long gatherings. In addition to this Sunday’s presentation on Pope Francis’s encyclical Laudato Si, “On Care for our World”, on December 20th Dr. Rufus Hallmark and Vince Peterson will co-present a class called “Re-Considering Handel’s Messiah”, as a prelude to our annual “Messiah Sing” to be held later that evening.
- ST. PAUL’S ANNUAL MESSIAH SING: December 20, 7:00 p.m. Tickets are now on sale for what has become one of our parish (and neighborhood’s) “hottest” events of the season, our Sing-it-Yourself Messiah. A Baroque orchestra and professional soloists under the direction of Vince Peterson join with you for the grand choruses of G.F. Handel’s beloved oratorio Messiah. Following the “sing” all are invited to the festively decorated Parish Hall to share homemade cookies, warm cider, and exchange seasonal greetings with old and new good friends. Tickets ($20) are on sale at Coffee Hours, and may also be purchased on line at: www.brownpapertickets.com/event/2433109 IDEA: Tickets would make a great Christmas presents!

St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Clinton & Carroll Streets, Brooklyn.
718-625-4126 • email: info@stpaulscarrollst.org • Donate
Rector: The Reverend Peter Cullen | Music Director: Vince Peterson