February 15, 2015; The Last Sunday after the Epiphany
- SUNDAY'S APPOINTED MASS READINGS: 2 Kings 2:1-12; Psalm 50:1-6; 2 Corinthians 4:3-6; Mark 9:2-9. Preaching: The Rector
- SUNDAY SCHOOL STUDENTS SPONSOR LENTEN FOOD DRIVE After mass this Sunday, students will pass out their own hand-decorated flyers announcing how we can help restock the shelves of First Presbyterian’s Food Pantry for the Hungry.
Final days before Lent begins
- PALMS taken home last Palm Sunday may be brought to mass on this Last Sunday after the Epiphany. They will be burnt to make ashes for use on Ash Wednesday.
- A TRADITIONAL FEAST OF PANCAKES! As they say down in Cajun Country “Come pass a good time” with St. Paul’s on Tuesday February 17 for a Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner. Join us as we have one last fling before we begin the 40 days of Lent. Come enjoy pancakes! bakin! and sausage! with a side of Zydeco (graciously provided and performed by Will Holshouser on his accordion). Admission is $5 per person with a cap of $20 per family. We will be flipping pancakes from 6:30 to 8:00pm. Costumes and masks are encouraged but not required.
- PRE-LENT CONFESSIONS may be made by appointment with a priest.
- 7:30 a.m.; Noon; and 7:30 p.m.
- NOTE: Ash Wednesday is a Prayer Book “Fast Day.”
- THE GREAT LITANY will be sung in Procession at the beginning of Mass on the First Sunday in Lent.
- COMPLINE will be sung on the first Sunday of March at 9:00 p.m.
- SPECIAL EASTER FLOWER DONATION ENVELOPES for your use will be included in Lenten Sunday bulletins.
- THROUGHOUT LENT during the Prayers of the People, prayers will be offered for those preparing for Easter Baptism
- LENTEN FOOD DRIVE – Throughout Lent our Sunday School Students will be collecting donations of non-perishable foods to be used in restocking the much needed and used Food Pantry of First Presbyterian, Brooklyn Heights. Students are preparing bins in the rear of the nave to receive our donations.
- DANCE OF LIFE At 8:00 p.m. on Sunday, March 8, and Thursday, March 12, will be the US premier performances of Roxanna Panufnik’s TALLIN MASS under the direction of Vince Peterson, and with St. Paul’s Choir! The concert will be held at New York City’s DiMenna Center. Certainly, the wider public will be made aware of St. Paul’s, Brooklyn! Check out to learn more about DANCE OF LIFE. Tickets will be available online at that website: $40. Order yours early as these promise to be a sellout performances.
- TOUR After Mass on the First Sunday in Lent, March 22, Adult Christian Education (ACE) invites all to join them on a field trip to the Museum of Biblical Arts (MOBIA) in the City to see their new exhibition of Renaissance sculpture from the Duomo in Florence. On display will be works of Donatello, Brunelleschi, Luca della Robbia, and others. Tickets at the Museum door: $15. For more information about travel plans ask to speak with Rufus Hallmark; for more information about the exhibit, go to
- STUDY After Masses on the Second through Fifth Sundays in Lent, ACE invites all to join them in the Library for a four-part series focusing on the place of THE TABERNACLE in the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures and worship. This series is under the direction of Brad Winters.
- 1ST HOLY COMMUNION PREPARATION During Lent and Easter Season the Rector is helping to prepare young people to make their First Holy Communion. If you are a parent wondering if now is the time for your child to begin making his or her Communion on a regular basis, please speak to the Rector as soon as possible.