As usual for this time of year, with Holy Week looming before us, there are lots of announcements, and I commend them to you. Please note in particular the All-Parish Work Day this Saturday, March 24th, for which all hands are appreciated, and the work of the Sunday School on Good Friday, March 30. At 3:30 pm, the children, teachers, and parents will load up the food collected during our Lenten Food Drive, delivery it to the Food Pantry at First Presbyterian Church, stock the shelves, and return to St. Paul’s for Stations of the Cross at 5:30 pm. Boxes and bags, as well as willing hands, are needed and everyone is invited to participate. See details below for both of these activities and for the Holy Week schedule.
Just a couple of liturgical notes for this Sunday, Palm Sunday. We will begin, as is traditional, with the Blessing of the Palms and the Palm Procession, so keep your coats on. The ushers will distribute the blessed palms, and we will process out the Lady Chapel Gate, down the sidewalk, and in through the Front Door of the church. Everything you need will be printed in the bulletin, so bring it—and your palms, of course!—with you. Palm Sunday is unique in the church year because of its split personality. We begin with a festive procession singing “Hosanna to the Son of David,” but by the end of mass, we have been treated to the brutal story of Our Lord’s Passion and Sacrifice on the Cross (this year from the Mark’s Gospel), we have celebrated that Sacrifice at Holy Communion, and we have entered Holy Week. The liturgy ends in silence. There is no final hymn nor postlude, and everyone should leave the Sanctuary, whether you are going home or going to Coffee Hour, as quietly as possible. I will go to the back as usual to greet visitors, but otherwise, please do your best to leave mass with quiet reverence.
See you on Sunday
Fr. Wallace
- Sunday, March 25, Palm Sunday—11:00 am, Solemn High Mass with Blessing of Palms and Procession
- Thursday, March 29, Maundy Thursday—7:30 pm, Solemn High Mass, Procession of the Blessed Sacrament, and Watch at the Altar of Repose
- Friday, March 30, Good Friday
- 12:00 pm (noon), Mass of the Pre-Sanctified
- 3:30 pm, Sunday School loads for food to take to Food Pantry at First Presbyterian
- 5:30 pm, Stations of the Cross for Families with Children, following by pizza
- Saturday, March 31, Easter Vigil—7:30 pm, Solemn High Mass
(Everyone is invited to break the Lenten Fast with refreshments in the library after mass.)
- Sunday, April 1, Easter Day & Episcopal Visitation—11:00 am, Solemn High Mass
ALL-PARISH WORK DAY (with potluck luncheon)
9:30 am to 3:00 pm, Saturday, March 24
Help spruce up St. Paul’s for Holy Week and Easter at our annual All-Parish Work Day. We always have lots of visitors during Holy Week and Bishop Wolf is joining us on Easter Day, so we want St. Paul’s to look it’s best. The work starts at 9:30 am and runs to about 3:00 pm. If you only have an hour to spare, please come anyway, but do sign up. There will be a sign-up sheet in the Parish Hall on Sunday during Coffee Hour. Please let Madge Wilner know as soon as possible if you can help, Many hands make for light work. We will do our potluck luncheon from 11:30 am-12:30 pm. If you are just coming for the morning, afternoon, or an hour or so, please join us in the Parish Hall. This annual event is another way for us to get to know each other better. Thanks for your service to St. Paul’s!
SUNDAY SCHOOL SCHEDULE: Holy Week and Following
- Palm Sunday, March 25, 9:45 am—Decorate the sidewalk for Palm Procession. Parents remember to have your kids wear something they can get a little dirty in!
- Good Friday, March 30
- 3:30 pm—Everyone is invited to help load food from the Lenten Food Drive for transportation to Food Pantry. Boxes and bags needed! Coordinate cars and rides with Jean Del Colliano.
- 5:30 pm Stations of the Cross for Families with Children, following by pizza and fellowship
- Easter Sunday, April 1—No Sunday School
- Low Sunday, April 8—No Sunday School
- Sunday, April 15—Sunday School resumes
- Sunday, May 20—Last day of Sunday School
Deadline for Memorials is This Monday, March 26
Contributions and memorials for Easter flowers are now being accepted. You may use the flower envelopes, included in your Sunday bulletins or found on the table in the back of the Church, or you may donate through our website at If you choose the website option, please e-mail Rob Snyder at or Fr. Wallace at with your memorial. Contributions are gratefully accepted at any time, but if you wish your memorial to appear in the bulletin, it must be received by Monday, March 26.
Saturday Evening, March 31, After Mass
Everyone is invited to break their Lenten Fast with refreshments in the Library following the conclusion of the Easter Vigil.
5:30 pm, Good Friday, March 30
St. Paul’s continues its tradition of walking the Stations of the Cross, especially designed for families with children, on Good Friday afternoon at 5:30 pm. Everyone is invited.
This is Sunday is the last Sunday to contribute!
The Sunday School invites you to bring donations for their annual Lenten food drive. Bins will be placed in the back of the church throughout Lent to receive your donations. As usual, the food will be donated to the food pantry at First Presbyterian Church in Brooklyn Heights. The children will deliver the food and stock the shelves on Good Friday. Of particular need are the following foods: peanut butter, tuna fish, Vienna sausage, canned vegetables, apple sauce, pasta, rice and canned soup. Please make sure that the donations are unopened and have not expired. If you have any questions, please feel free to speak with Jean Del Colliano. As always, thank you for your generous donations!
Easter Day, Sunday, April 1
St. Paul’s is honored that Bishop Gerayln Wolf will be joining us on Easter Day. This is not our official Episcopal Visitation, so Bishop Wolf will not meet with the vestry; however, she will celebrate mass and join us for Coffee Hour. We very exciting and honored to have her celebrate the Glory of the Resurrection with us.
Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday this-coming week
If you have not made your Lenten Confession and still wish to do so, please contact Fr. Wallace and schedule it for Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday of this week.
Many thanks to Keith Edwards, Ken Scwartz, the kitchen crew, and to The St. Paul’s Irish Singers (a.k.a., the Choir) for their diligence and hard work in making this year’s St. Patrick’s Day Dinner such a wonderful success! Attendance was twice what it was last year, with several families from the neighborhood in attendance. And the event raised $800 to add to our St. Paul’s annual contribution to Episcopal Ministries of Long Island. Kudos all around!!!
Our first Prayer Day, part of the Prayer Covenant with Bishop Provenzano, was Saturday afternoon, March 17. The session was structured as a workshop-practicum, and Lilo Carr-Rivera guided the six-member group through three different methods of prayer. It proved to be a moving and rewarding experience for everyone involved, one participant describing it as “transformative.” If you would like to learn more or have any questions, feel free to speak to any member of Saturday’s group, all of whom are very willing to talk about their experience: Fr. Wallace, Rufus Hallmark, Sandy Miller, Nick Mancino, Ben Ellis, and Marlene Donnelly. The next Prayer Day is Saturday, April 28. Please consider attending. You will not regret it.
The Annual Appeal of Episcopal Ministries of Long Island began this past Sunday, March 4. Episcopal Charities provides the funding needed to establish, nurture, and fund parish-based ministries and strategic community partnerships which affirm the dignity of all people. With your gift to Episcopal Ministries, you join others who are living out the Gospel—feeding the hungry, welcoming the stranger and caring for our neighbors as if for Christ. Information packets and donation/pledge envelopes are available in the back of the church. You may read more about the EMLI project and donate on line at:
Support Landmarking 236 and 238 President Street
This March, 236 President Street will be sold to a developer who plans to demolish the building and replace it with a six-story luxury condominium which will rise over 70 feet, taller than another building on the block. The back of the current building looks across a small garden into the north windows of our Parish Hall. Your wardens have been meeting with residents, the developer, engineers, and lawyers in order to protect the interests and property of St. Paul’s Church during the proposed demolition and rebuilding process. Now, however, there is a last-ditch community effort to landmark the buildings because of their historical importance and to protect the Carroll Gardens neighborhood. There are flyers in the back of the church with information about the history of these two buildings and how you can participate in supporting this initiative.
We strive to make the annual St. Paul’s Directory as accurate as possible, but inevitably there are typos and/or peoples’ information changes. We will periodically make corrections via the Eblast. Please mark your Directory with the following corrections, and, as always, if you spot errors or your information changes, please contact the church office.
Seth Edwards—917-885-5059
Tina Tsiang-Shorr—440 East 79th Street Apt 5A NYC, NY 10075
Dr. Andrea Morris - email
Palm Sunday
- Solemn High Mass: 11:00 AM
- Sunday's Appointed Readings and Homily
- The Palm Gospel—Mark 11:1-11
- The Old Testament— Isaiah 50:4-9a
- Psalm 31:9-16
- The Epistle—Philippians 2:5-11
- The Passion—Mark 14:32—15:47
- Homily—Fr. Wallace
- Music
- Prelude: Fanfare—William Matthias
- Anthem During the Distribution of the Palms: Hosanna to the Son of David—Healey Willan
- Entrance Hymn: “All glory, laud, and honor,” Valet will ich dir geben, printed in the bulletin
- Offertory Hymn: “Ride on! Ride on in majesty!” The King’s Majesty, Hymnal, #156
- Communion Hymn: “Alone thou goest forth, O Lord,” Bangor, Hymnal, #164