Mar 2



I appreciate very much the many comments, both in person and by e-mail, about my Dear Friends Eblast letter last week, about the gun deaths in my family, about the Florida shooting, and about the issues of gun control and gun violence in our country generally.  If you have been watching the news, you know that this particular school shooting has resulted in more discussion, debate, and action than any in several years, for which I am grateful.  Several events and resources are listed below.  Please consider them prayerfully.

Yours sincerely in Christ,
Fr. Wallace


FYI for those of you who travel by train to St. Paul’s.  There are no G trains this weekend in either direction at Carroll Street, and there are no Manhattan-bound F trains at Carroll Street, nor Manhattan-bound R trains at Union Street.  Many thanks to Evadne Hodge for bringing this to our attention.



We have had to make some adjustments to the Prayer Day Schedule, part of the Prayer Covenant with Bishop Provenzano, because of conflicts.  Here is the new 2018 Prayer Day Schedule.  They are all Saturdays from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm.  The Prayer Covenant brochures in the back of the church reflect this change.

March 10                    
April 28                      
May 26                       
July 28            
August 25
September 22
October 27
November 24 

We are delighted to announce that our own Lilo Carr Rivera has volunteered to lead our Prayer Days.  Prayer is the foundation of our relationship with God, and there are dozens of methods and techniques of prayer.  Each Prayer Day will be a structured as a stand-alone, 2-hour worksop exploring three different types of prayer. 

The upcoming March 10 workshop will feature:

  • The Lord’s Prayer—We all know it by heart! Explore how to use this classic chestnut as a template for your personal prayer life.
  • Centering Prayer—This meditative prayer technique quiets your heart, mind and soul, allowing you connect to the Divine that is beyond thought and words.
  • Psalms—Use the beauty of the psalms as a focus for prayer and meditation. Express your personal prayers to God in psalm.


Support Landmarking 236 and 238 President Street 

This March, 236 President Street will be sold to a developer who plans to demolish the building and replace it with a six-story luxury condominium which will rise over 70 feet, taller than another building on the block.  The back of the current building looks across a small garden into the north windows of our Parish Hall.  Your wardens have been meeting with residents, the developer, engineers, and lawyers in order to protect the interests and property of St. Paul’s Church during the proposed demolition and rebuilding process.  Now, however, there is a last-ditch community effort to landmark the buildings because of their historical importance and to protect the Carroll Gardens neighborhood.  There are flyers in the back of the church with information about the history of these two buildings and how you can participate in supporting this initiative.



The Annual Appeal of Episcopal Ministries of Long Island begins this-coming Sunday, March 4.  Episcopal Charities provides the funding needed to establish, nurture, and fund parish-based ministries and strategic community partnerships which affirm the dignity of all people.  With your gift to Episcopal Ministries, you join others who are living out the Gospel—feeding the hungry, welcoming the stranger and caring for our neighbors as if for Christ.  Information packets and donation/pledge envelopes are available in the back of the church.  You may read more about the EMLI project and donate on line at:



At its regular meeting on Saturday, February 17, the vestry reluctantly accepted the resignation of Tony Gini whose family obligations have made it untenable for him to continue.  The vestry will miss Tony’s quiet, steady, and thoughtful presence, and St. Paul’s is sincerely grateful for his service.  The parish by-laws state that the vestry elect a new member to fill the unexpired term, and we are happy to announce that Ananda Ambrose has been duly elected.  Please take the opportunity to congratulate Ananda and thank her for her willingness to serve.



Anglican Identity and Spirituality 

Father Wallace is teaching a five-session class exploring Anglican identity and spirituality each Sunday afternoon in Lent from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM, in the library (note the slight change in time).  Each session will be relatively self-contained, so you may attend any or all of them as your schedule permits.  The book for the class is The Anglican Way:  A Guidebook by Thomas McKenzie, copies of which are available from Fr. Wallace.



The Sunday School invites you to bring donations for their annual Lenten food drive.  Bins will be placed in the back of the church throughout Lent to receive your donations.  As usual, the food will be donated to the food pantry at First Presbyterian Church in Brooklyn Heights.  The children will deliver the food and stock the shelves on Good Friday.  Of particular need are the following foods:  peanut butter, tuna fish, Vienna sausage, canned vegetables, apple sauce, pasta, rice and canned soup.  Please make sure that the donations are unopened and have not expired.  If you have any questions, please feel free to speak with Jean Del Colliano.  As always, thank you for your generous donations!



It is traditional for Christians to make their Confessions during Lent.  If you have made your Confession before, simply schedule a time with Fr. Wallace.  Confession is a spiritually fulfilling Lenten Discipline, drawing you closer to God.  For those who have never made their Confession, or have not done so for many years, some instruction is required in order to prepare properly.  Please see Fr. Wallace.



Saturday, March 17th, 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!  Please join us for the 2nd annual parish St. Patrick’s Day party.  Corned beef & cabbage, Irish beer & fun!  Suggested donation:  $15 for adults and $5 for kids, no family more than $30.  All proceeds will go to support Episcopal Charities.  A sign-up sheet will be posted in the parish hall.  See Keith Edwards if you would like to help.



Fr. Guy Massey has invited members of our parish to join him for Stations of the Cross and Benediction at Sacred Heart & St. Stephen’s RC Church during the season of Lent.  The schedule is: 

  • Stations of the Cross:  Fridays, 7:00 pm
  • Benediction:  Saturdays, 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm.

Sacred Heart and St. Stephen’s Church is located at 125 Summit Street, between Hicks and Henry Streets.  The schedule and prayer intentions for the services may be found at


The Third Sunday in Lent 

  • Solemn High Mass: 11:00 AM
  • Sunday's Appointed Readings and Sermon
    • The Old Testament—Exodus 17:1-7
      Psalm 19
    • The Epistle—1 Corinthians 1:18-25
    • The Gospel—John 2:13-22
    • Sermon—Fr. Griffith
  • Music
    • Organ Prelude:  “Largo e spiccato” from Concerto in D Minor—Antonio Vivaldi (arr. J. S. Bach)
    • Entrance Hymn:  “Be thou my Vision,” #488
    • Music at the Offertory:  “Sarabande,” from Cello Suite No. 3—J. S. Bach; Cynthia Racine, cello
    • Communion Hymn: “O kind Creator, bow thine ear,” Jesu Corona, hymn insert
    • Dismissal Hymn: “Beneath the Cross of Jesus,” #498
    • Organ Postlude:  “Sinfonia” from Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit, Cantata No. 106—J. S. Bach


  • Sunday, March 25, Palm Sunday—11:00 am, Solemn High Mass with Blessing of Palms and
  • Procession
  • Thursday, March 29, Maundy Thursday—7:30 pm, Solemn High Mass
  • Friday, March 30, Good Friday
    • 12:00 pm (noon), Mass of the Pre-Santified
    • 5:30 pm, Stations of the Cross for Families with Children
  • Saturday, March 31, Easter Vigil—7:30 pm, Solemn High Mass
  • Sunday, April 1, Easter Day & Episcopal Visitation—11:00 am, Solemn High Mass

St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Clinton & Carroll Streets, Brooklyn.
718-625-4126  •  email:  •  Donate
The Rev. Dr. Sean M. Wallace, Interim  
Alex Canovas, Music Director
Nathan Taylor, Organist

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