We are pleased to report that the renovation of the third floor in the rectory is progressing well.
This much-needed work benefits our parish by creating an attractive living space to help us recruit a new rector and by opening up the fourth floor apartment to generate important rental income to help cover our yearly budget.
To date we have raised $9,320.00 from 21 donors. Thank you for the 21 donors who have sent in their contributions already!
We need your help to raise the additional $18,680.
If you have not donated yet, please pray about the amount that you can afford to give. Bear in mind that this capital campaign is not part of our annual operating budget.
Please give today.
You can donate online by visiting the St. Paul’s website, or you can mail a check payable to St Paul’s and specify “Capital Campaign.”
As St. Francis said “it is in giving that we receive”
If you have any questions, please contact Nancy Webster or Nick Mancino.
Thank you for supporting this important parish initiative!
Nancy & Nick