June 4


SUNDAY MASSES MOVE TO 10:00 o’clock!

The Second Sunday after Pentecost, June 7, 2015

SUNDAY'S APPOINTED MASS READINGS: Genesis 3:8-15; Mark 3:20-35; Preaching: the Rector

  • SUMMER MASS SECHEDULE BEGINS!  The Sunday Mass hour moves to 10:00 a.m. for the months of June through September.  Simplified ceremonial and the earlier hour are an accommodation to the summer heat.  Post-mass hospitality moves from Coffee with lots of homemade baked goods to cool iced tea and lemonade served with cookies.  This summer we are introducing a new run of attractive “Low Mass with Hymns” booklets, and fans will be out to stir up a breeze.  


  • THANKS TO ALL THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN HELPING with the Spring Rummage Sale by working, donating, and organizing stuff, the parish extends its thanks.  Remember, it’s not too late to help set up, sort, and price on Thursday and Friday evenings, or to help with the selling and clean up on Saturday.  This sale, and another planned for September 12th, help us meet our somewhat “stressed” budget. 
  • THANKS TO ALL WHO PLEDGE OR DONATE through offerings made on Sundays.  Summer is a time when we still must pay bills, and catch up on winter's high heating costs, etc.  By keeping current on your pledges, you help us to meet our expenses.


Summertime activities – Mark your calendars: 

  • CHOOSE A TEAM: GET INSPIRED.  Did you choose a team yet?  We are hoping everyone will participate in some way.  There are 4 Teams:  Basement, Kitchen, Rectory, and Exterior.  For more information about each team's project and the many ways you can help, check out www.gofundme.com/stpauls
  •  COLD COVERED DISH LUNCH AFTER MASS—JUNE 28!  Yes, in our own Parish Hall we will hold a cold covered dish lunch.  We don’t know if Team Kitchen will have removed the Parish Hall sink, or if the kitchen floor will be under repair, making the workspace impossible to use.  THEREFORE, start thinking now of the great COLD DISH (as in not requiring heating on a stove, washing preparation, etc.) that you will bring and share with others.  And yes, the usual iced tea and lemonade will be served to wash it all down.  And bring a friend!
  • A GREAT OLD HYMN FEST will fill mass on Independence Day weekend.  Make plans to sing your favorite hymns on Sunday, July 5.
  • FERRAGOSTO ICE CREAM – In celebration of the Assumption of the BVM (August 15), special Italian ice cream will be served after mass on August 16.
  • JAZZ@MASS SUNDAYS are planned for August 2 and September 20.

St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Clinton & Carroll Streets, Brooklyn.
718-625-4126  •  email: info@stpaulscarrollst.org  •  Donate
Rector: The Reverend Peter Cullen  |  Music Director: Vince Peterson

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