Jul 2



The Sixth Sunday after Pentecost, July 5, 2015

  • SUNDAY'S APPOINTED MASS READINGS: : Ezekiel 2:1-5; Mark 6:1-13
  • MID-SEASON HYMN FEST:  On this Independence Day weekend your favorite hymns will fill the air as we gather to celebrate Mass.
  • THE PRAYERS AND CONDOLENCES OF THE PARISH are extended to the Wenglinsky family upon the death of Harold’s mother, Sarajane Wenglinsky. Rest eternal grant unto her, O Lord: and may light perpetual shine upon her. The prayers of the congregation are also offered for the repose of the soul of Karen Rolnick's father, Jerry Rolnick, who died on Wednesday. May he rest in peace, Amen.


  • FOOD DRIVE:  Throughout the summer months, bins to receive non-perishable food items are placed in the rear of the church.  Items collected will help restock the pantry shelves of First Presbyterian Church, Brooklyn Heights. 


  • TEAM KITCHEN:  After removing and stowing regularly used kitchen items, Team Kitchen demolished and removed the kitchen sink, cabinets, and bad flooring.  Subflooring work is now in progress.  Soon, the Team will install a new sink, cabinets, countertop, and flooring before applying a fresh coat of paint to the walls.  Also, look for the rotting restroom floor to be replaced!  This necessary work is to help keep our building safe and serviceable to all who use it.   While work is in progress the Hall continues to be used daily for parish and community-service meetings.
  • TEAM RECTORY: Initial preparation and work to make the first floor of the Rectory safer and more usable throughout the week by parish, community, and rental groups has begun.  Long-term goals  are to preserve and refresh our amazing space while “updating” it to current “safe-space” guidelines, and to child-friendly, and handicap accessible use. 
  • CHOOSE A TEAM: GET INSPIRED.  Did you choose a team yet?  We are hoping everyone will participate in some way.  There are 4 Teams:  Basement, Kitchen, Rectory, and Exterior.  For more information about each team's project and the many ways you can help, check out www.gofundme.com/stpauls


Summertime activities – Mark your calendars: 

  • PARISH PICNIC--POST-MASS, JULY 12:  Once again, our Parish Picnic will be held out at the lovely campus of Brooklyn Poly Prep School in Bay Ridge. Rides will be available after Mass to and from Poly Prep. You are encouraged to bring a blanket or chairs to sit on, and food to share off our ‘covered dish picnic table.’ Grills, paper goods, utensils, and ice will be provided by the parish.  Driving directions: take 4th Avenue south to 92nd Street, make a left and follow 92nd until you must make a right hand turn. Poly Prep’s grounds will be on your right, enter at an open gate.  Subway directions: take the R train south to the last stop; exit the rear of the train. Walk east on 92nd until you come to the Poly Prep grounds on your right.   Any questions? Please phone the parish office at 718-625-4126
  • “Live” now!—SUMMER 2015 POP UP Auction: The Annual Auction will be held as always; this year on November 7, 2015. In the meantime, please help us try out a new way to fundraise!  Use your computer or smartphone to go to http:www.biddingowl.com/StPaulsEpiscopal where you will be able to view our catalog of items & services up for bid. The bidding will close at 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, July 18.  Check in often to see any newly added items and to raise your bids, if necessary! All proceeds from our POP-UP Auction will go to St. Paul’s Summer Projects.
  • FERRAGOSTO ICE CREAM – In celebration of the Assumption of the BVM (August 15), special Italian ice-cream will be served after mass on August 16.
  • JAZZ@MASS SUNDAYS are planned for August 2, and September 27.
  • FALL RUMMAGE SALE—September 12. 

St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Clinton & Carroll Streets, Brooklyn.
718-625-4126  •  email: info@stpaulscarrollst.org  •  Donate
Rector: The Reverend Peter Cullen  |  Music Director: Vince Peterson

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