JANUARY 14, 2016



The Second Sunday after the Epiphany

        9:45 am:   Sunday School
        11:00 am:  Solemn Mass
        Appointed Mass readings:  Isaiah 62:1-5; Psalm 36:5-10; I Corinthians 12:1-11; John 2:1-11
        Preaching: The Rev. Robert Griffith


3rd Friday Church Supper: A Healthy New Year! —THIS FRIDAY, JANUARY 15!

  • Are you and your friends longing for a satisfying, home-cooked supper at the end of a long week?  Don’t you cook!  Come on down to St. Paul’s parish hall and be part of our new tradition of Friday night suppers.  Good food served up every 3rd Friday on a drop-in basis from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.   $15 per adult / $5 per child.   Mark the date: details to come.  Hint at the menu theme:  “New Year’s Resolution-Friendly Eats”
  • At the Supper, you can take chance on a spa basket or a massage/facial at the Guerlain Spa at the Waldorf Astoria.  Drawing to be held on Sunday, January 17th at coffee hour.  Treat yourself in the New Year!

St. Paul's Day and the Annual Meeting — Sunday, January 24, 2016

  • Our parish's Patronal Feast is observed in accordance with the Prayer Book Calendar on the Sunday closest to the Feast of The Conversion of St. Paul the Apostle.  On this same Sunday, the 2016 Annual Meeting is called to begin with the 11:00 a.m. mass.
  • The purpose of the Annual Meeting in The Episcopal Church is the election of officers.  This year one Warden’s chair, two Vestry chairs, and one Congregation’s Trustee to the St. Paul’s Endowment are up for election.  A listing of qualified voters is posted in the Parish Hall; you may wish to double-check this list to make sure you are properly registered.  If you have questions, please ask to speak with Nick Mancino, or any member of the Vestry.
  • A Heartier Coffee Hour and Reports to the Parish, with a review of 2015 and an overview of the 2016 budget, follow the polling.  All are welcomed and encouraged to attend this informative Annual Meeting. 

Sunday School Student Project for January 24, 2016

  • The Sunday School kids are learning about different healing miracles that Jesus performed.  As part of an upcoming lesson, they will be making cards and writing letters for anyone who wants to receive a little extra joy and light in their life.  Maybe you know someone who is sick, who would love a letter from a kid with a picture of a rainbow.  Or maybe you know someone who just loves letters!  Maybe YOU want a letter to brighten your day!  Who doesn't?
  • Please contact Jean Del Colliano by Saturday, January 23 and give her your name and address or that of your friend.  You can also email Jean the names/addresses as well at jdelcolliano@yahoo.com.  If there is a specific reason for the letter (i.e. a get well card) or any specific request about the letter, please let her know.

St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Clinton & Carroll Streets, Brooklyn.
718-625-4126  •  email: info@stpaulscarrollst.org  •  Donate
Rector: The Reverend Peter Cullen  |  Music Director: Vince Peterson

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