Feb 22



Ash Wednesday and the beginning of the holy season of Lent is less than two weeks away, and it is not too early to begin thinking about your Lenten Rule.  It is a frequent complaint among Christians that Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent is very abrupt and often catches us off guard, at least spiritually.  Suddenly, without much warning liturgically, we are plunged into purple, the statues are veiled, the tone of our worship becomes penitential, all the traditions of Lent are upon us, and we’ve had no time really to think about our Lenten Discipline and to prepare for the season.  This used to not be the case.  In the 1928 Book of Common Prayer and in the pre-Vatican II Roman Catholic liturgies, there was a short pre-Lent season of three Sundays.  It was called, colloquially, “the gesimas” because in Latin, the names of these three Sunday’s all end with “-gesima,” i.e., Septuagesima, Sexagesima, and Quinquagesima. Roman Catholics (and some Anglicans) who follow The Extraordinary Form traditional calendar still observe the “gesimas,” and while we are not going to resurrect the “gesimas” at St. Paul’s, there is still considerable value in the idea behind it―a pre-Lenten period to prepare to celebrate Lent itself.  If you would like information about developing a Lenten Rule, there is information available on the back table in the church or you may certainly speak to me. The most important thing to remember is that the purpose of a Lenten Rule is to draw closer to God; it’s not about “giving up something for Lent.”  Whatever your Rule is, whether giving up something or taking one something (such as the Lenten Class—hint, hint), it is about a deeper exploration of your relationship with God and your vocation as a Christian.  
See you at Mass,
Fr. Wallace


At its regular meeting in January, the Vestry reluctantly accepted the resignations of Ananda Ambrose and Madge Willner, both for personal reasons.  The Vestry will miss them both very much, and St. Paul’s is sincerely grateful for their service.  The parish by-laws state that the Vestry elects new members to fill unexpired terms, and we are happy to announce that Nancy Webster and Francis Rivera, respectively, have been duly elected to fill these seats.  Please take the opportunity to congratulate Nancy and Francis and thank them for their willingness to serve.  The 2019 Vestry will be commissioned for their work at St. Paul’s this-coming Sunday.



It’s that time of year again, time to return your palms so that they can be burned to produce the ashes for Ash Wednesday.  Please place them with the other palms in the back table in the church.



Friday, March 1, 7:30 PM 

Percussionists Alan Hankers, Sebatian Gokus, and Jose Reyes appear in concert at St. Paul’s.  Free Admission, suggested donation at the door: $20.  This concert is sponsored by Marimba One, Marimba Festival, and Vic Firth: The Perfect Pair.



Ash Wednesday, March 6, and the beginning of Lent is only 10 days away.  Now is the time to start thinking and praying about your Lenten Rule. Information about choosing a Lenten Rule is available on the table in the back of the church or speak to Fr. Wallace.


Ashes will be imposed at all three services.

  • 7:30 AM—Low Mass
  • 12:00 PM (noon)—Low Mass
  • 7:00 PM—Low Mass with Hymns


The Sunday School invites you to bring donations for their annual Lenten food drive.  Beginning Sunday, March 6.  Bins will be available back of the church throughout Lent to receive your donations.  As usual, the food will be donated to the food pantry at First Presbyterian Church in Brooklyn Heights.  The children will deliver the food and stock the shelves on Good Friday.  Of particular need are the following foods: peanut butter, tuna fish, Vienna sausage, canned vegetables, apple sauce, pasta, rice and canned soup. Please make sure that the donations are unopened and have not expired.  If you have any questions, please feel free to speak with Jean Del Colliano.  As always, thank you for your generous donations, and please take the opportunity to thank the Sunday School kids for their dedication and hard work.


Bishop Provenzano announced this week the appointment of R. William Franklin as Assisting Bishop in the Diocese of Long Island.  Bishop Franklin is retiring from the Episcopal Diocese of Western New York on May 1, at which time he will take up his responsibilities in this Diocese. Bishop Franklin goes by “Bill,” and you will hear name in the Prayers of the People at Mass on Sundays.  Click here to read more about Bishop Franklin.


January 20th―29th, 2020 

St. Paul’s is off to the Holy Land!  We announced at the Auction and I spoke about it again in my sermon on Epiphany that we are planning a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, using Nick Mancino’s company Journey’s Unlimited.  Please see the poster in the Parish Hall and the flyers on the back table for details. This is an extraordinary opportunity for experience a life-changing event.  Please don’t miss it!  Ask Fr. Wallace or Nick Gjeca if you have any questions.


In the course of the Search Committee presentation on the status and process of the rector search at the parish Annual Meeting on January 27, the Committee offered interested parishioners a tool to reach out to it regarding any concerns they might wish to voice related to the search. If you want to provide your suggestions or comments, please contact us at search@stpaulscarrollst.org.


As you read the Eblast each week, it is a good opportunity to take 30 seconds and offer a prayer for St. Paul’s during its transition and for the members of the Search Committee. Prayers to that effect will be included each week in the Eblast.

  • For St. Paul’s:
    O God, by whom the meek are guided in judgment, and light riseth up in darkness for the godly: Grant us, we beseech thee, in all our doubts and uncertainties, the grace to ask what thou wouldest have us to do, that the Spirit of wisdom may save us from all false choices, and that in thy light we may see light,, and in thy straight path may not stumble; through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.
  • For the Search Committee: 
    Eternal God, the foundation of all wisdom and the source of all courage:  enlighten with your grace the Search Committee of this congregation, and so rule their minds, and guide their counsel that in all things they may seek your glory and promote the mission of your Church, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


  • Sunday, March 17, St. Patrick’s Day celebration at Coffee Hour

THIS COMING SUNDAY: February 24, 2019

The Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany 

  • Appointed Readings and Sermon
    • The First Reading—Genesis 45:3-11, 15
    • Psalm 37:1-12, 41-42
    • Epistle—1 Corinthians 15:35-38, 42-5o
    • The Gospel— Luke 6:27-38
    • Sermon:  Fr. Wallace 
  • Music
    • Mass Setting:  Healy Willan—Missa de Sancta Maria Magdalena
    • Organ Prelude: Berceuse, Op. 2, No. 19—Louis Vierne
    • Entrance Hymn: ”Before the Lord’s eternal throne,” Hymnal, 391
    • Anthem:  Ubi caritas—Maurice Duruflé
    • Hymn at Communion: “Forgive our sins as we forgive,” Hymnal, 674
    • Hymn after the Dismissal: “Love divine, all loves excelling,” Hymnal, 657
    • Organ Postlude:  Fugue sur le thème du Carillon des Heures de la Cathédrale de Soissons—Maurice Duruflé. 

St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Clinton & Carroll Streets, Brooklyn.
718-625-4126  •  email: info@stpaulscarrollst.org  •  Donate
The Rev. Dr. Sean M. Wallace, Interim  
Alex Canovas, Music Director
Nathan Taylor, Organist

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