The Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany, February 19, 2017
- No Sunday School Today: Midwinter School break
- Solemn Mass: 11:00
- Sunday's Appointed Readings: Leviticus 19:1-2, 9-18; Psalm 119: 33-40; I Corinthians 3: 10-11, 16-23; Matthew 5: 38-48.
- Preaching: The Rector
This Third Friday Supper for Charity
- The good news: We have cancelled this Friday’s Supper for Charity in order to rent the parish hall to a film company whose rent will raise the parish charity income for the day at least 5 times the usual receipts!
- Even more good news: March 17th’s Third Friday Supper for Charity is on, and its menu celebrates St. Patrick!
Racial Justice & Reconciliation
- Plan ahead to be part of our parish’s discussion. At the Bishop’s behest Adult Christian Education (ACE) is planning small group discussions on five Sundays during Lent—March 5, 12, 19, 26, and April 2. Members of the parish will be invited to open their homes for small group meetings after Mass and Coffee Hour, and parishioners are invited to attend one of these meetings. These “home groups” will be set up during the coming weeks.
- On Sunday, April 23, there will be a parish-wide potluck luncheon and discussion.
- A larger meeting, including the general local community will follow in May and feature a guest speaker (TBA).