Eblast 7-6-18



Things are quiet at St. Paul’s this next week, but all eyes are on Austin, TX, at the 79th General Convention of the Episcopal Church, which officially began yesterday, July 5.  Several very important issues are being discussed, debated, and voted on, the largest of which are the approval of same-sex marriage rites (currently under trial use only) and a proposal to undertake a revision of the Book of Common Prayer and (eventually) of The Hymnal.  There are two websites which summarize each days events and make it easy for you to “follow the action”:  The Episcopal News Service (ENS) at www.episcopalnewsservice.org and The Living Church at livingchurch.org/tag/gc79-2/.  You can also subscribe to ENS and receive daily emails, texts, and tweets from the Convention.  Bishop Curry’s sermon from the opening Eucharist can also be seen at the ENS website. Every Sunday at mass, during the Prayers of the People, we pray for the church, for our parish and Diocese, that each may seek God and his divine direction.  The same prayers should be offered for General Convention, which is, in effect, the national church.

Almighty and everliving God, Source of all wisdom and understanding, be present with those who take counsel at the 79th General Convention for the renewal and mission of thy Church.  Teach us in all things to seek first thy honor and glory. Guide us to perceive what is right, and grant us both the courage to pursue it and the grace to accomplish it; through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

See you at mass.

Fr. Wallace

Saturday, July 28th, 2:00 pm—4:00 pm, in the Library

Please mark you summer calendars and plan to join us for the next Prayer Day, again led by Lilo Carr-Rivera, in a workshop/practicum learning environment.  These Prayer Days are part of our Prayer Covenant with Bishop Provenzano. More information about the Prayer Covenant may be found on the back table in the church.



10:00 am, Sunday, July 29
The first of our two summer Jazz Masses is just three weeks away.  This has become an annual favorite both with parishioners and in the neighborhood, so please plan to join us.  Parishioner Willie Martinez is again coordinating the musicians for the popular and well-attended event. Watch for more information as the date approaches.



From Alex Canovas 
The Mostly Mozart Festival is looking for participants for a mass choir production (i.e. 800 singers in Central Park) of John Luther Adams' “In the Name of the Earth” to be performed in August.  We're in need of folks who would be interested in adding spoken word and sound effects to the piece, so they don't need to be super experienced, and I'll be conducting a group of these individuals!  Rehearsals start next week and continue through the month of July, and the performance is on Saturday, August 11th.  We're blessed to have a very musical congregation here at St. Paul's, so I encourage anyone and everyone to sign up!  It's going to be a ton of fun and the music is amazing - much more info and a sign-up link can be found here: http://www.inthenameoftheearth.org/



On Tuesday, June 26, the NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission held a public hearing on landmarking 236 and 238 President Street.  Fr. Wallace, Ben Ellis, Sandy Miller, and Gaston Musella all offered statements of support on behalf of St. Paul’s and the Carroll Gardens neighborhood.  Several other people spoke as well, including the owners and residents of 238 President Street, representatives of the neighborhood, and various politicos, including Councilman Brad Lander and Judge Michael Pesce.  The LPC will now schedule a vote on the proposal, perhaps as early as July.


For St. Paul’s:  Almighty and everliving God, Ruler of all things in heaven and earth, hear our prayers for this parish family.  Strengthen the faithful, arouse the careless, and restore the penitent. Grant us all things necessary for our common life, and bring us all to be of one heart and mind with your holy Church: through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

 For the Search Committee:  Almighty God, giver of every good gift:  Look graciously on St. Paul’s, and so guide the minds Keith, Monika, Anne, Michael, Willie, Julie, Cynthia, Ken, and Rob, and all those who shall call a rector for this parish, that they may receive a faithful pastor, who will care for thy people and equip us for our ministries; through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.


The Seventh Sunday after Pentecost
Low Mass with Hymns: 10:00 AM


  • Sunday's Appointed Readings and Homily

    • The First Reading—2 Samuel 5:1-5, 9-10

    • Psalm 48

    • Epistle—2 Corinthians 12:2-10

    • The Gospel—Mark 6:1-13

    • Sermon—Fr. Wallace

  • Music

    • The Entrance Hymn:  “Hail to the Lord’s Anointed,” Hymnal, 616

    • Offertory Hymn:  “Love divine, all loves excelling,” Hymnal, 657

    • Communion Hymn:  “Amazing Grace,” Hymnal, 671

    • Dismissal Hymn:  “Savior, like a shepherd lead us,” Hymnal, 708



St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Clinton & Carroll Streets, Brooklyn.
718-625-4126  •  email: info@stpaulscarrollst.org  •  Donate
The Rev. Dr. Sean M. Wallace, Interim  
Alex Canovas, Music Director
Nathan Taylor, Organist

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