Eblast 10-26-18



Several of you have noticed that there is a candle burning in the large, hanging sanctuary lamp in the chancel in front of the High Altar and that no candle is burning in the Lady Chapel.  This is because the Blessing Sacrament is now being housed in the tabernacle of the High Altar.  The Sacrament is reserved in this manner, and has been for many centuries, so that it is readily available for Last Rites, Holy Communion in homes or in hospitals, etc., and the burning candle, sometime called a Presence Lamp, indicates to worshippers where the Blessed Sacrament is.  Moving the Blessed Sacrament to the High Altar was a change I was considering anyway for theological and liturgical reasons so that the actual Presence of God in the consecrated Host is in the center of our worship, the focal point of our devotion and common life in faith, and, therefore, symbolically our lives, and not off to the side in the Lady Chapel; however, we were rather forced into it for practical reasons because the door on the Lady Chapel tabernacle is locked and we cannot get it open.  We had been struggling with the door off and on all summer, and the last time we managed to get it open, I moved the Blessed Sacrament to the High Altar just in case, and I’m glad that I did.  Not only was the Blessed Sacrament locked away and inaccessible, but two of our silver vessels were in there as well.  Work on the lock is ongoing, but for now the Blessed Sacrament is in the Tabernacle in the High Altar, with the candle burning appropriately.
How might this change affect our worship?  It does necessitate some changes for the celebrant and for the altar party, but your personal piety and practices always remain your choice; no particular practice is forced upon anyone.  The common practice in Episcopal Churches, and indeed in the Anglican Communion worldwide (and Roman Catholic, Orthodox, and some Lutheran churches) is to acknowledge in some way the High Altar/Tabernacle when entering or leaving your pew or when passing in front of the High Altar.  This is usually accomplished by either a bow of the head or a genuflection toward the High Altar, often accompanied by crossing oneself.  Many of you already choose to engage in one of these practices.  In Anglo-Catholic parishes such as ours, the common approach is to bow to the High Altar if the Blessed Sacrament is not present and to genuflect to the High Altar if the Blessed Sacrament is present.  Again, the choice if yours.
Many, many important events happening over the next three weeks.  Please read carefully all the announcements below and consider prayerfully which God is calling you to attend.
See you at Mass.
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Wallace


2:00 pm – 4:00 pm, Tomorrow, Saturday, October 27

Please plan to join us for the last Prayer Day, again led by Lilo Carr Rivera, in a workshop/practicum learning environment. These Prayer Days are part of our Prayer Covenant with Bishop Provenzano.  More information about the Prayer Covenant may be found on the back table in the church.



Now is the time to let us know what you can contribute to our 2019 stewardship campaign.  Please return your pledge card.  To pledge electronically or if you have any questions please email:  stewardship@stpaulscarrollst.org



Continues this Sunday, 1:00 pm, after Coffee Hour, in the Library

Fr. Wallace is teaching an 8-session Bible Basics/Bible 101 class this fall, Sundays after Coffee Hour.  Ever wanted to know more about the Bible but were intimidating by the whole “Word of God” thing?  Now’s your chance to find out and ask questions.  Newcomers welcome!


The eblast is the most effective way that St. Paul’s communicates to our parish. If you know of someone who would like to receive the eblast, please direct them to our Website and tell them to use the "Sign Up" link at the bottom of the page.


9:00 am, Friday, November 2, Requiem Mass of All Souls, in the Lady Chapel

If you have names of the dead you would like to have remembered at the Mass of All Souls, please contact Fr. Wallace.  The names will be read at the mass.  It is also traditional to make a voluntary contribution (the amount is unimportant) to the church as a thank offering to God on behalf of the souls of the dearly departed.  Envelopes for this offering are available on the back table or in your box of pledge envelopes.


11:00 am, High Mass
4:00 pm, Solemn Evensong and Benediction

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10:00 am, Saturday, November 10

St. Paul’s is honored to host the Guild of All Souls Annual Requiem this year.  We will welcome the professional choir and choir master, David Enlow, from the Church of the Resurrection in Manhattan.  They will offer Maurice Duruflé’s Requiem, Op. 9.  A luncheon in the Parish Hall will follow.  The Guild of All Souls is a devotional prayer guild within the worldwide Anglican Communion which seeks to promote the Church’s teaching regarding the Faithful Departed through intercessory prayer for the dying and the repose of the Souls of the Departed; encouraging Christian customs at burial, especially the offering of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass; and promoting the two great doctrines of the Christian Creed:  The Communion of Saints and the Resurrection for the Dead.



11:00 am, November 11

Please plan to join us for this special service, a requiem mass in honor of all those who died in wartime.  The original Remembrance Day (sometimes still called Armistice Day) was instituted at the end of World War I, at 11:00 am, on the 11th day of the 11th month, in 1918.  Remembrance Sunday this year is particularly significant and poignant because it is exactly the centennial, down to the 11:00 am starting time.  We will begin our service as they did 100 years ago with two minutes of silence.  Please plan to join us and invite your friends and neighbors to the special celebration.



During Coffee Hour, Sunday, November 11

This All-Parish Meeting, sometime called a Parish Summit, is part of the transition and discernment process for calling a new rector.




Dear people of St. Paul’s,
I’ve started this “thank you” letter I don’t know how many times, and just haven’t been able to finish it. It is now over three months since my last day with you, and this letter is long overdue.
Thank you, to those who were part of my final day – the celebration of the Mass, the Harry Potter themed Coffee Hour, the very kind words you spoke and wrote to me (I have all the notes put into the “sorting hat”). Thank you for the mobile communion kit, which is incredibly handy for a priest. I didn’t have one! Thank you for the work done framing the stained glass that came from one of the pre-fire windows. I am literally taking part of you with me! Thank you for your financial generosity. As you know, finding and moving into a new apartment isn’t cheap, and this truly helps.
Thank you, to all of you, for your friendship, for allowing me to be part of your lives, for the privilege of ministering alongside you, for your patience with me as I’ve learned to be a priest (of the bi-vocational sort, which can be tricky), and for your continuing prayers.
I am excited for you! Over the next several months, you will call a new priest to be your Rector. Tremendous opportunities lie before you, if you are willing to take them up. You will not go wrong if you make priories of growing in your faith and relationship with God, of deepening your relationships with one another, and of your continuing support for those in need within your communities.
The blessing of God Almighty, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, be with you, always.
With great love,
Fr. Bob




As you read the Eblast each week, it is a good opportunity to take 30 seconds and offer a prayer for St. Paul’s during its transition and for the members of the Search Committee.  Prayers to that effect will be included each week in the Eblast.
For St. Paul’s:
Almighty and eternal God, so draw our hearts to thee, so guide our minds, so fill our imaginations, so control our wills, that we may be wholly thine, utterly dedicated unto thee; and then use us, we pray thee, as thou wilt, and always to thy glory and the welfare of thy people; through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  Amen.
For the Search Committee: 
Almighty God, giver of every good gift:  Look graciously on St. Paul’s, and so guide the minds Keith, Monika, Anne, Michael, Willie, Julie, Cynthia, Ken, and Rob, and all those who shall call a rector for this parish, that they may receive a faithful pastor, who will care for thy people and equip us for our ministries; through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.


THIS COMING SUNDAY:  The 23nd Sunday after Pentecost and Sacrament of Holy Baptism

October 28, 2018

  • Sunday's Appointed Readings and Homily
    The First Reading—Job 42:1-6, 10-17
    Psalm 34:1-8, 19-22
    Epistle—Hebrews 7:23-28
    The Gospel—Mark 10:46-52
    Homily—Fr. Wallace
    Organ Prelude:  Après un rêve—Gabriel Fauré
    Hymn at the Entrance:  “Thine arm, O Lord, in days of old,” Hymnal, 567
    Anthem:  “I heard the Voice of Jesus Say”—Thomas Tallis
    Hymn at Communion:  ““Lord Jesus, think on me,” see hymn insert
    Hymn at the Dismissal:   “Christ, whose glory fills the skies,” Hymnal, 7
    Organ Postlude:  Trumpet Voluntary—John Stanley 


St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Clinton & Carroll Streets, Brooklyn.
718-625-4126  •  email: info@stpaulscarrollst.org  •  Donate
The Rev. Dr. Sean M. Wallace, Interim  
Alex Canovas, Music Director
Nathan Taylor, Organist

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