The Third Sunday of Advent, Gaudete, December 13, 2015
- SOLEMN MASS: 11:00
- SUNDAY'S APPOINTED MASS READINGS: Zephaniah 3:14-20; Canticle for the Psalm, Isaiah 12:2-6; Philippians 4:4-7; Luke 3:7-18; Preaching: The Rector
- BOOK DRIVE: In partnership with Good Shepherd Services, we are collecting new books to be given to children and youth in Red Hook. Donations of books, or of cash to purchase a book on your behalf, may be brought to Mass or dropped off at the parish house by this Sunday, December 13th. After Mass volunteers will help wrap them, can you help?
- SUNDAY SCHOOL: In both our homes and Sunday School our children are being prepared to celebrate a Christmas rich in Gospel meaning and hope. On the Ushers Table are brochures for use in home devotions; and in Sunday School our students are being taught the Gospel Nativity passages which they will read at the conclusion of Advent IV’s 11:00 a.m. Mass (December 20), when they help prepare the parish’s Christmas Crèche. Then, on Christmas Eve, an early, child-friendly Mass will be said at 5:30. At that time the children will place the final figure into the crèche scene: the baby Jesus. These are wonderful times to invite friends with young children.
- ADULT CHRISTIAN EDUCATION: On December 20, ACE presents a pre-Messiah Sing talk: “Reconsidering Handel’s Messiah”, delivered by Dr. Rufus Hallmark and Vince Peterson.
- MESSIAH SING - December 20, 7:00 p.m.: Our last fund-raising event of the year is the annual Sing-it-Yourself Messiah. All parishioners are encouraged to help make this event not only a joyous preparation for Christmas, but also a successful fund-raiser to help us meet budget demands for our Outreach Programs. There are many ways by which you can help: buy tickets for you, your friends, and your family (great pre-Christmas gifts). Also, you may help with setting up and cleaning up, ushering, greeting guests, taking tickets at the door, baking with Keith Edwards, or helping with the reception following the concert. And sing! If you will be unable to attend, please consider donating tickets or sponsoring one of the (paid) instrumentalists. You can sign up during Coffee Hour. Tickets in advance at www.brownpapertickets.com/event/2433109 or at the door.
- DONATIONS FOR CHRISTMAS GREENS: are being received through this Sunday, December 13. Special donation envelopes are placed in weekly bulletins, or memorials/thanksgivings may be mailed to the church. Please print clearly any names that you would like remembered in the Midnight Mass bulletin.
- PRE-CHRISTMAS CONFESSION by appointment with a priest.
- CHRISTMAS EVE: An early, child-friendly mass will be said at 5:30 for families with very young children. Carols at 10:45 p.m., Solemn Mass of Christmas Midnight begins at 11:00 p.m.

St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Clinton & Carroll Streets, Brooklyn.
718-625-4126 • email: info@stpaulscarrollst.org • Donate
Rector: The Reverend Peter Cullen | Music Director: Vince Peterson