First, let me offer my sincerest thanks to each and every one of you for a wonderful welcome to St. Paul’s! Transitions always offer a challenge both to congregations and to new clergy, especially after a long and fruitful tenure, such as Father Cullen had. I have been here just over a month, and I already feel as if I am beginning to become a part of the place, and that is largely due to your generosity and Christian hospitality. Please continue to be patient with me as I struggle to remember names, learn the routines and procedures here, and become even more comfortable with the legacy and culture of St. Paul’s.
I will be using this space periodically to communicate with the parish, not only to disseminate important information, but also to offer reflections and meditations on our Christian life together. Once the search process for the rector begins, the Search Committee will also be using this weekly eBlast to keep you up to date on its activities and the status of the search. In the meantime, there is a chart entitled “Journey Through Change,” which will be posted on the bulletin board outside the kitchen in the parish hall. It is a chart which details the steps in the process of discerning God’s will in calling a new rector. It will be updated with a “We Are Here” notice as the parish progresses through the various steps.
As we wait for the coming of the Christ Child at Christmas, as well as Our Lord’s second coming in “power and great glory,” and as we navigate the onslaught of the Christmas season, please remember to take time to pray for St. Paul’s, for me, for your parish leadership, and for your new rector, and, most importantly of all, for God’s will to be done.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Fr. Wallace
The Second Sunday of Advent
- Sunday School: 9:45 AM for 6-12 year-olds; 10:15 AM for 3-5 years-olds
High Mass: 11:00 AM
- Sunday's Appointed Readings:
The First Reading: Isaiah 40:1-11
The Psalm: Psalm 85: 1-2, 8-13;
The Epistle: 2 Peter 3:8-15a
The Gospel: Mark 1:1-8
- Anthem at Communion: “Rorate Coeli,” from Nine Advent Motets, Op. 167 by Josef Rheinberger
- Hymns
76, “On Jordan’s bank the Baptist’s cry,” Winchester New
67, “Comfort, comfort, ye my people,” Psalm 42
75, “There’s a voice in the wilderness crying,” Ascension
- It is traditional for Christians to make their confessions at least twice a year, generally during Advent and during Lent. Please contact Father Wallace to make an appointment.
- The 6-12 year-olds will meet in the Sunday School room this Sunday at 9:45 for prayer, then move into the church to practice the Creche liturgy. Please make every effort to be on time. The Creche Liturgy itself will take place near the end of mass on Advent III, December 17.
Bring socks and books this Sunday
- Sock Drive - St. Paul’s is collecting socks again this year to be distributed to the homeless during the winter months. The collection bin is in the Parish Hall. See Eoin if you have any questions.
- Children’s Christmas Book Drive - Our annual book drive continues until December 17. Donations of NEW books (for ages 4 to 18), cash or checks (made out to St. Paul’s/labelled Book Drive) are most welcome. On Sunday, December 17 after coffee hour we will wrap the books. Volunteers of all ages appreciated! The books will be taken to the Miccio Community Center for distribution.
- The Stewardship Committee continues to accept pledges for 2018. If you have not yet turned in your pledge for next year, please do so as soon as you can. Pledge cards are available in the back.
- Sunday, December 17: Advent III 11:00 AM, High Mass, and the Creche Liturgy
- Sunday, December 24:
11:00 AM, Low Mass with Hymns (Advent IV)
5:30 PM, Mass of Christmas for Families
10:45 PM, Carols to Welcome Christ’s Birth
11:00 PM, Solemn Mass of Christmas
- You will find in this week’s service bulletin the envelopes for Christmas flowers. This is your voluntary gift to the Christ Child on his birthday and to help decorate St. Paul’s for the Christmas Season. If you would like to donate flowers in memory of someone or in thanksgiving, indicate it clearly on the envelope which may be placed in the collection plate or mailed to the church.