Dec 7



For those of you who were not at mass this past Sunday, we are trying something a bit new:  sitting and waiting during the postlude.  This is not about listening to Nathan play (which is a nice enough reason in and of itself, of course) but about the spiritual discipline of waiting on God, a central theme of the Advent season, and, in fact of our lives in Christ.  I introduced the idea during my sermon, and I appreciate the willingness of everyone to give it a try.  The results, at least from those who commented, were quite positive.  I do not need to tell you that it’s a busy time of year, in the Church and everywhere else, and ironically it’s all too easy to forget about God and the church during Advent and Christmas as we’re running around tending to all the things which vie for our attention.  We’re undertaking this experiment as a spiritual discipline of sorts to help us, for just a few minutes, remember what Advent and Christmas are all about and to wait and to listen for God’s voice.  This is just for the four Sunday’s of Advent, but if it catches on, we may try it again during Lent.  
At the Auction, we announced our pilgrimage to the Holy Land January of 2020.  I will be going, and a seat on the trip was auctioned as a kick off to the campaign.  This will be a wonderful and fulfilling trip, I have no doubt, and several of your fellow parishioners have already expressed an interest in going.  We’re announcing it now because it takes about a year to advertise it, drum up interest, plan vacation time, etc.  You’ll be hearing more about this after the new year, but for now please look over the details and start thinking and praying about going. There is a poster on the bulletin board in the Parish Hall and flyers in the back of the church. 
Please prayerfully consider all the announcements below. 

See you at mass.
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Wallace


6:00 p.m.─7:00 p.m., Friday, December 7

Members of St. Paul’s Choir will be singing Christmas Carols this year at the Carroll Street Park Tree Lighting.  Show up to support neighborhood and your fellow parishioners.  Read more about the Tree Lighting here.



Thank you to all who supported this year's auction.  It was a happy occasion and a financial success.  We have a few BIN (Buy it Now) items remaining, and they will be available for purchase during coffee hour.  Theater tickets, activities for children and adults, museums, and tours are available at incredible savings.



Sunday, December 9: 3:15 pm pre-concert lecture; 4:00 concert

The Dessoff Choirs are a world-renowned choral ensemble, and we are delighted to have them at St. Paul’s! Tickets $20-$40; more information at



The Young New Yorkers' Chorus, directed by St. Paul's Director of Music Alex Canovas, will be giving two concerts in the coming weeks.  YNYC's Mixed Ensemble will be performing 'Once Below a Time' at St. Michael's Episcopal Church (Upper West Side, 99th and Amsterdam) on Saturday, December 8th at 7:30 pm.  A week after that, YNYC'S Women's Ensemble will be offering 'Time's Up' at St. Peter's Episcopal Church (Chelsea, 20th Street between 8th and 9th Avenues) on Saturday, December 15th at 7:30 pm.  Both programs explore the past from multiple perspectives and also include an assortment of sing-along holiday carols. Tickets are $20 ($25 day of) and can be purchased at


Sunday, December 16 

The very popular Crèche Service, at which the youth of the parish read lessons and place the figures in the manger, will take place during High Mass this year on the Third Sunday in Advent, December 16.  You won’t want to miss it.  


Envelopes for Christmas flowers will be included in this Sunday’s bulletin.  This is your voluntary gift to the Christ Child on his birthday and to help decorate St. Paul’s for the Christmas Season. Envelopes may be placed in the collection plate or mailed to the church, or you may use the Paypal function on the church’s website (please include the note Christmas Flowers).  If you would like to donate flowers in memory of someone or in thanksgiving, please print clearly on the envelope.  Checks should be made payable to St. Paul’s Church.


The Sunday School classes are sponsoring their annual Food Drive again this year in support of the food pantry at First Presbyterian Church.  Donations of non-perishable food items may be placed in the baskets in the rear of the church.  Of particular need are protein items (peanut butter, tuna, cans of Vienna Sausages, etc.). Please no opened or expired items. This year’s food drive will extend through the 12 Days of Christmas to Epiphany, Sunday, January 6.  Thank you all for you donations!!  If you have any questions or wish to help in any way, please contact Jean Del Colliano.


St. Paul’s annual Christmas Children’s Book Drive continues until Sunday, December 16.  Donations of NEW children’s books (ages 4 to 18, with emphasis on elementary and middle school children), cash or checks (made out to St. Paul’s and labelled Book Drive) are most welcome.  Please note that paperbacks are the best choice for books. The books will be taken to the Miccio Community Center in Red Hook for distribution. 


It is traditional for Christians to make their confessions at least twice a year, generally during Advent and during Lent.  Please contact Father Wallace to make an appointment for your Advent confession.  


The Stewardship Committee continues to accept pledges for 2019.  If you have not yet turned in your pledge, please prayerfully consider doing so. Pledge cards are available on the table in the back of the church.  


St. Paul’s is collecting socks again this year to be distributed to the homeless during the winter months. The collection bin is in the Parish Hall.  See Eoin if you have any questions.  Socks will be collected through Epiphany, Sunday, January 6, 2019. 


Fr. Wallace’s Bible 101 class continues Sunday, 1:00 pm, in the Library.  Newcomers welcome.


  • Sunday, December 16, Advent III and Crèche Service - 11:00 a.m., High Mass 
  • Sunday, December 23, Advent IV - 11:00 a.m., Sung Mass
  • Monday, December 24, Christmas Eve:  
    • 5:30 p.m., Mass of Christmas for Families
    • 10:30 p.m., Carols to welcome the Birth of Christ (Please note earlier time)
    •  11:00 p.m., Solemn Mass of Christmas
  • Tuesday, December 25, Christmas Day  -  9:00 a.m., Christmas Day, Low Mass (Lady Chapel)
  • Sunday, December 30, Christmas I - 11:00 a.m., High Mass


As you read the Eblast each week, it is a good opportunity to take 30 seconds and offer a prayer for St. Paul’s during its transition and for the members of the Search Committee. Prayers to that effect will be included each week in the Eblast.

  • For St. Paul’s:
    O God, by whom the meek are guided in judgment, and light riseth up in darkness for the godly:  Grant us, we beseech thee, in all our doubts and uncertainties, the grace to ask what thou wouldest have us to do, that the Spirit of wisdom may save us from all false choices, and that in thy light we may see light,, and in thy straight path may not stumble; through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.
  • For the Search Committee: 
    Direct the Search Committee, O Lord, in all their doings with thy most gracious favor, and further them with thy continual help; that in all their works begun, continued, and ended in thee, they may glorify thy Holy Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.


December 9th, 2018, The Second Sunday of Advent

  • Sunday's Appointed Readings and Homily
    • The First Reading—Baruch 5:1-9
    • Canticle—The Song of Zechariah
    • Epistle—Philippians 1:3-11
    • The Gospel—Luke 3:1-6
    • Homily—Fr. Wallace
  • Music
    • Organ Prelude:  Adagio Molto—Alexandre Guilmant
    • Mass Setting: Merbecke
    • Entrance Hymn:  “Lo! He comes with clouds descending”; Hymnal, 58
    • Sequence Hymn “O come, O come, Emmanuel,” Verse 2; Hymnal, 56
    • Anthem:  “People look east”—Besançon carol melody, arr. Malcolm Archer
    • Music at Communion: Recitative: “Comfort Ye” & Aria: “Every Valley” from Messiah—G. F. Handel,
    • Hymn at the Dismissal: ““On Jordan’s bank the Baptist’s cry”; Hymnal, 
    • Organ Postlude:  76Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence—arr. Noel Rawsthorne

St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Clinton & Carroll Streets, Brooklyn.
718-625-4126  •  email:  •  Donate
The Rev. Dr. Sean M. Wallace, Interim  
Alex Canovas, Music Director
Nathan Taylor, Organist

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