Dec 16 Announcements

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  • SING - We hope that all parishioners will join in support of The Second Annual Sing-it-Yourself Messiah which will be held on Sunday, December 21st at 4:00 pm.  The orchestra and soloists are ready, now we just need you to help sing the chorus parts.  Tickets for this parish-wide community event are available at Coffee Hour and online at
  • PRACTICE -This year Vince Peterson will offer a free pre-concert class for singers who would like to review a cross-section of difficult singing spots throughout the score – a fun and engaging afternoon, full of insights, tricks, and free singing tips!  The class will run from 2:30 to 3:30, with a break at the end of class for some light refreshments in the Parish Hall before the concert.
  • BAKE - In keeping with Christmas traditions, you may also want to help John Lord bake cookies for the Messiah singers.  Baking will begin on Saturday, December 20th at 9:00 am.  Contact John if you are able to help.


December 21th, the Fourth Sunday of Advent

  • SUNDAY'S APPOINTED MASS READINGS: 2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16; Psalm 89:1-4, 19-20; Romans 16:25-27; Luke 1:26-38.  Sunday’s bulletin will contain a special envelope for use in making contributions towards greening the church for Christmas.
  • SUNDAY SCHOOL. The Sunday School children will participate in our Lessons and Carols Crèche Service to be held at the end of mass. After December 21, Sunday School classes are in recess until January 4th.
  • CHRISTMAS GIFT SALES – This Sunday, we will continue our sale of holiday craft items and Christmas gifts during Coffee Hour and during the refreshments after our Sing-it-Yourself Messiah.


Looking ahead to Christmas

  • A mass with carols for families with small children will be said at 5:30 pm on Christmas Eve, Wednesday, December 24th.
  • Later in the evening, carols to welcome Christ’s Birth will be sung beginning at 10:45 pm.
  • Solemn Mass of Christmas Midnight will begin at 11:00 pm.
  • On Christmas Day, mass will be said at 9:00 am.

St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Clinton & Carroll Streets, Brooklyn.
718-625-4126  •  email:  •  Donate
Rector: The Reverend Peter Cullen  |  Music Director: Vince Peterson

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