Advent II, December 4, 2016
- Sunday School: 9:45
- Solemn Mass: 11:00
- Sunday's Appointed Readings: Isaiah 11:1-10; Psalm 72:1-7; Romans 15:4-13; Matthew 3:1-12; Preaching: The Rector
Advent Activities
- Gifts, stocking stuffers, handmade treats, snazzy decor - all this and more at the holy-jolly Christmas sale at coffee hour on December 11 & 18! This year's special is a raffle for the CHRISTMAS QUILT. Buy your raffle tickets starting December 4; the drawing will be December 18th.
- Christmas Book Drive Your donations of NEW children’s books will be received here through Sunday morning, December 11, when following Coffee Hour they will be wrapped by volunteer parishioners. If you would rather, you may make a cash donation today and the committee will purchase books out of the monies receive. Wrapped gifts will be taken to the Miccio Center for distribution. For further information about giving, how to join in wrapping, please ask to speak with Anne Hallmark.
- Holidaytime Food Collection Our Sunday School students invite us to contribute to their collection of NONPERISHABLE food stuffs that will be delivered to the Food Closet at First Presbyterian, Brooklyn Heights on Three Kings Day (Epiphany, January 6). Bins prepared to receive your donations are placed in the rear of the church.
- Socks! This fall, the youth group has been collecting CLEAN NEW WARM men's socks for the homeless men who eat at the CHIPS Center on 4th Ave. Response has been wonderful! There is still time for you to add another pair or two if you get them to church on time!
- Christmas Memorial/Thanksgiving Greens Use the special envelopes placed in Advent’s Sunday bulletins to make your contribution towards the greening of the Church for the Christmas Feast. For information on how to make memorials by mail, please contact the Church at info@stpaulscarrollst.org
- Adult Christian Ed Alert: EVIL! On Thursday evening, December 8, at 7:00 p.m., the Rev. Steven Paulikas (Rector, All Saints Episcopal Church, Brooklyn, and doctoral candidate in theology at Oxford University) will speak on ‘The Proper Response to Evil.” What is “evil”? Can evil ever be destroyed, or does an attempt to do this merely produce more evil of its own. Paulikas considers whether we should respond more to “evil perpetrated” or to “evil suffered.” St. Paul’s Adult Christian Education invites parishioners to attend and participate in this event, which will take place at All Saints Church in Park Slope (7th Avenue and 7th Street). Read Paulikas’s Op-Ed article of June 27, 2016, online.
St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Clinton & Carroll Streets, Brooklyn.
718-625-4126 • email: info@stpaulscarrollst.org • Donate
Rector: The Reverend Peter Cullen | Music Director: Vince Peterson