Dear Friend of St. Paul's,
After thirty years shepherding the congregation at St. Paul's, Fr. Cullen announced his retirement in late June. He will be heading to Florida to take care of his 98-year-old father.
In order to share our well-wishes with Father Cullen, we have constructed a Blessing Tree in the back center of the Parish Hall. The tree is a symbol of growth, God's movement in the world, and strength through adversity. Its roots symbolize the past while it's branches stretch up to God and toward the future.
- Take a leaf.
We invite you to write your memories of Father Cullen, prayers, blessings, wishes on a leaf of the Blessing Tree and hang it on the tree. These memories and messages will be collected from the tree and presented to Father Cullen to read and treasure.
- Consider contributing any or all of the following:
- favorite memories of Fr. Cullen (serious and humorous),
- tributes to Fr. Cullen (what Fr. Cullen has meant to you),
- photos from St. Paul's, ideally with Fr. Cullen in them (with note of explanation if necessary),
- prayers for Fr. Cullen and for St. Paul's.
- If you wish for your contribution to be read by all, hang the leaf facing out. If you wish to keep it private, hanging it facing the wall.
- You may also submit your blessings in the box located near the tree. Consider also writing a shorter message on a leaf to populate the tree.
- If you cannot be present, please send your various kinds greetings to:
St. Paul's Transition Team
c/o Rufus Hallmark
134 Summit Street, Brooklyn, NY 11231
(to arrive no later than Sept. 5)
Though we are sad to see Father Cullen depart, we are excited to be gathering together to honor him!
The Transition Team
Lilo Carr Rivera and Rufus Hallmark
Sunday, September 10, 2017
- 9:30 a.m.
Prayer service at St. Stephen's Roman Catholic Church (the original 19th-century site of St. Paul's) St. Stephen's Rectory driveway, Carroll Street, Brooklyn, NY 11231 near the corner of Hicks and Carroll Streets (look for sign)
- 10:00 a.m.
Low Mass with Music at St. Paul's Episcopal Church, 199 Carroll St, Brooklyn, NY 11231 corner of Carroll and Clinton Streets
- 11:15 a.m.
Celebration in Parish Hall, St. Paul's Episcopal Church