- Mass Readings: Exodus 34: 29-35; Psalm 99: 5-9; Luke 9: 28-36
- Preaching: The Rector
August 13: The Tenth Sunday after Pentecost—a Jazz@Mass Sunday
and the First Holy Communion of Sofia White
- Mass Readings: Genesis 37: 1-4, 12-28; Matthew 14: 22-33
- Preaching: The Rector
August 20: The Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost
- Mass Readings: Genesis 45: 1-15; Matthew 15: 10-28
- Preaching: The Rector
- Solemn Evensong at the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary : 3:00 p.m. at St. Paul’s, followed by a BBQ in the garden of Christ Church at the corner of Clinton and Kane Streets.
- Choir: The choir of Christ Church Cobble Hill
- Preaching: The Rector of St. Paul’s
August 27: The Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost
- Mass Readings: Exodus 1: 8—2: 10; Matthew 16: 13-20
- Preaching: Fr. Griffith
September 3: The Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost
- Mass Readings: Exodus 3: 1-15; Matthew 16: 21-28
- Preaching: Fr. Cullen
- We are happy to report that both the renovation work, and continuing contributions are progressing in a very positive, timely direction. As of the end of July, parishioners have pledged and given a total of $27,100! The Diocese granted us an additional $15,000. This leaves us with only $7,900 more to raise!
- Come see the physical work accomplished thus far! After Sunday mass, ask if you can see the renovation work done thus far. All “invisible” work, such as plumbing and electrical work, has been accomplished, but you can take a gander at our new walls, flooring, and almost completed casework. Come see, and imagine how much more serviceable the space will be in very short order!
- For information on how to contribute: Please ask to speak with our parish Treasurer, Nick Mancino, or to any member of the Vestry.
Jazz@Mass and a First Holy Communion—August 13!
- Mid-August cooks with Jazz! Summertime Jazz@Mass liturgies have become much anticipated occasions at St. Paul’s. Parishioner / jazz-artist Willie Martinez and friends offer their God-given talents to the Glory of God in the context of Sunday Mass liturgies! This summer’s first Jazz@Mass liturgy will also be the occasion of the First Holy Communion of Sofia White!
Deanery-wide Solemn Evensong for the Assumption of the BVM—August 20
- On Sunday, August, at 3:00 p.m., parishioners from neighboring Episcopal Churches will gather for Evensong of the BVM at St. Paul’s. The Service will be sung by the choir of Christ Church, Cobble Hill, under the direction of Don Barnum; the celebrant will be the Very Rev. Ronald Lau, Rector of Christ Church and Dean of the St. Mark’s Deanery; and the Rector of St. Paul’s will preach. Following Evensong, all are invited to a BBQ in the garden of Christ Church, corner of Clinton and Kane Streets.