The Boiler/Water Meter Project is moving along. Thanks to everyone who has contributed so far. If you have not given to this project yet, please consider it prayerfully. St. Paul’s belongs to everyone, and we need everyone’s help! More information about the specifics of the projects are available on the back table. The total cost of the project is $30,000. We need to raise $15, 000, which will then be matched by two generous St. Paul’s families.
The new Open Door times are Tuesdays and Thursdays, 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm.
Please consider volunteering to sit in the church during one of the Open Door times. For more information, please contact Sandy Miller, and she will be glad to tell you stories from the Open Door program and sign you up.
This is simply a time when the church is open for anyone to stop by to pray, to meditate or just to look around, and it is also a critically important ministry. You would be surprised how many of our neighbors think St. Paul's is closed! The new evening times show that we are indeed open and vital. We have a beautiful space, as you well know, and this gives people the chance to stick their heads for a few minutes to look around. Several of your fellow parishioners were brought to St. Paul's because the church was open and they just dropped in, and there are many, many stories of people who found solace and comfort at St. Paul's because the church was open when they needed God the most.
- Monday-Friday, 8/6-8/10, in New Haven, CT, attending the annual conference of the National Episcopal Historians and Archivists, which I serve as Vice-President.
- Friday-Sunday, 8-10-8/12, at St. Paul's.
- Monday-Friday, 8/13-8/17, in Florida visiting my parents (sort of a vacation).
- Friday-Friday, 8/17-8/24, here, but on "stay-cation" (I like the term “non voyage” better)
I will be available by phone and e-mail while I am away, but if you experience a pastoral emergency, please contact Deacon Tony Bowen or Fr. Lau at Christ Church, Cobble Hill: 718-624-0083.
Saturday, August 25, 2:00 pm—4:00 pm
Please plan to join us for the next Prayer Day, again led by Lilo Carr Rivera, in a workshop/practicum learning environment. These Prayer Days are part of our Prayer Covenant with Bishop Provenzano. More information about the Prayer Covenant may be found on the back table in the church.
Sunday, August 26th, 10:00 am
The second of our two summer Jazz@Mass services in August 26. This has become an annual favorite both with parishioners and in the neighborhood, so please plan to join us. Parishioner Willie Martinez is again coordinating the musicians for the popular and well-attended event.
As you read the Eblast each week, it is a good opportunity to take 30 seconds and offer a prayer for St. Paul’s during its transition and for the members of the Search Committee. Prayers to that effect will be included each week in the Eblast.
- For St. Paul’s: Almighty and everliving God, Ruler of all things in heaven and earth, hear our prayers for this parish family. Strengthen the faithful, arouse the careless, and restore the penitent. Grant us all things necessary for our common life, and bring us all to be of one heart and mind with your holy Church: through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
- For the Search Committee: Direct the Search Committee, O Lord, in all their doings with thy most gracious favor, and further them with thy continual help; that in all their works begun, continued,, and ended in thee, they may glorify thy Holy Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
August 19, 2018: The 13th Sunday after Pentecost
- Sunday's Appointed Readings and Homily
- The First Reading—1 Kings 2:10-12; 3:3-14
- Psalm 111
- Epistle—Ephesians 5:15-20
- The Gospel— John 6:51-58
- Celebrant and Homilist—Fr. Linwood Garenton
- Music
- Entrance Hymn—“When in our music God is glorified,”
- Hymnal, 420
- Offertory Hymn—“When morning gilds the skies,”
- Hymnal, 427
- Hymn at Communion—“Be thou my vision,” Hymnal, 488
- Hymn at the Dismissal—“Immortal, invisible, God only wise,” Hymnal, 423