April 16


THIS COMING SUNDAY: The Third Sunday of Easter

April 12, 2015

SUNDAY'S APPOINTED MASS READINGS: Acts 5:12-19; Psalm 4; 1 John 3:1-7; Luke 24: 36-48;   Preaching: The Rector


  • BABYGANG HANG:  This Saturday, April 11, from 3-5 in the Nursery (first floor of St. Andrew’s House) there will be another mixer for our youngest parishioners and their parents.  Bring some snacks to share amongst parents and tots!  There is much to celebrate: Easter, little Daisy’s first birthday, and the birth of Audrey Simone Guerin!
  • UPDATING of our PARISH DIRECTORY and DATABASE:  We are in process of updating our database of names, addresses, households, etc.  The 2015-16 Parish Directory will soon be published.  Those parishioners served by email will be receiving a request to review the current status of their household information, and to respond with needed updates and corrections.  Please double-check your entry, and let us know of any changes we need to make.  Thanks.


  • ST. MARK on ST. MARK’S DAY at ST. PAUL’S:  Saturday, April 25, is the feast of St. Mark the Evangelist, and what better way to celebrate than by hearing a 7:30 p.m. performance of his entire Gospel presented as it was probably heard by the first Christians—delivered in toto by memory in a private home.  Learn more on Facebook at saintmarksgospel402.  Tickets at the door: $20 (students and seniors $15), or on sale now at http://bpt.me/1351017
  • EASTERTIDE BAPTISMS at MASS on April 26—The Fourth Sunday of Easter
  • ROGATION SUNDAY:  May 10, the Sunday before Ascension Day, in Anglican tradition is observed as the beginning of “Rogationtide”, a period of special prayer for the planting of new crops and the yield of the growing season.  Appropriate prayers will be offered on this occasion.  May 10 is also “Mother’s Day” at which time we remember with prayers and thanksgivings all mothers.
  • EASTERTIDE FIRST HOLY COMMUNIONS at MASS on May 17:  At Mass on The Seventh Sunday of Easter, three of our young parishioners will make their First Holy Communion. 
  • THE FEAST OF PENTECOST:  WHITSUNDAY on May 24:  This year this great Feast of the Church falls, alas, on our nations’ Memorial Day weekend, a time when schools are closed and many escape the City for an early taste of summer.  Plan now, wherever you may be, to attend mass on Pentecost, and remember then to give thanks for those who died in the service of their country.
  • SPRING RUMMAGE SALE:  Saturday, June 6, 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., in the Parish Hall.
  • SUMMER SCHEDULE BEGINS JUNE 7—Sundays with Low Mass and Hymns at 10:00


  • EMPIRE CITY MENS CHORUS: Tuesday, May 12, in our Parish Hall
  • CHORAL CHAMELEON: StoryTime: Part Two  CC’s last concert of its 2014-15 season will be offered not at St. Paul’s, but at ACME Studio in Williamsburg with an option of two 8:00 p.m. performances: May 16, and 21.  Information at tickets at www.choralchameleon.com 
  • CHORAL CHAMELEON SUMMER INSTITUTE CONCERT: June 19, at St. Paul’s.  This concert of new compositions interpreted by new directors is the climax of a week of workshops offered to rising musicians.  It is always an inspiring and exciting event.

St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Clinton & Carroll Streets, Brooklyn.
718-625-4126  •  email: info@stpaulscarrollst.org  •  Donate
Rector: The Reverend Peter Cullen  |  Music Director: Vince Peterson

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