The staff and clergy of St. Paul’s wishes everyone a happy and holy Easter! The St. Paul’s community wishes to express its most profound gratitude to the sacristans, flower arrangers, servers, clergy, ushers, staff members, musicians, and Coffee Hour organizers, who put in hours and hours of work during Holy Week. May God continue to bless you and he has graciously blessed St. Paul’s through you.
See you on Sunday
Fr. Wallace
- Low Sunday, April 8—No Sunday School
- Sunday, April 15—Sunday School resumes
- Sunday, May 20—Last day of Sunday School
St Paul's Knitting & Crafting Circle will convene again for the next four Sundays following Sunday Service through 2PM, on April 8, 15, 22 and 29. All skill levels are welcome—come for basic instruction or just the sharing of technics. Bring a project you are working on of some yarn and needles to start. Beginners are advised to have worsted of bulky weight yarns and (US) needles size 6 to 10. A light lunch of soup and bread will be available.
1:00 pm, Sunday, April 29 (right after Coffee Hour)
Ever wonder why we do the things we do at mass? Why we cross ourselves when we do and stand sit when we do? What’s happening at the altar during the Eucharistic Prayer? What all the vestments are about? Why do we use incense? We call ourselves an “Anglo-Catholic Parish,” but how is what we do different from other Episcopal Churches? Now is your chance. Fr. Wallace is conducting an Instructed Eucharist, sometimes called “teaching mass,” on Sunday afternoon, April 29, right after Coffee Hour. We will walk through all the parts of the service, explain what it’s all about, and answer all of your questions. Please plan to join us.
Friday, May 4th
There are a number of Star Wars fans in the St. Paul’s family, so we are organizing a Star Wars movie night on May 4, which is International Stars Wars Day (if you’re not sure why May 4th is International Star Wars day, just keeping saying “May the fourth” over and over to yourself, and it will come to you). Put it on your calendar. Details forthcoming.
We strive to make the annual St. Paul’s Directory as accurate as possible, but inevitably there are typos and/or peoples’ information changes. We will periodically make corrections via the Eblast. Please mark your Directory with the following corrections, and, as always, if you spot errors or your information changes, please contact the church office.
- Seth Edwards—917-885-5059
- Tina Tsiang-Shorr—440 East 79th Street Apt 5A NYC, NY 10075
- Dr. Andrea Morris - email
The Second Sunday of Easter
- Low Mass Mass with Hymns: 11:00 AM
- Sunday's Appointed Readings and Homily
- The First Reading—Acts 4:32-35
- Psalm 133
- The Epistle—1 John 1:1-2:2
- The Gospel— John 20:19-31
- Sermon—Fr. Wallace
- Music
- Prelude: Fairest Lord Jesus—arr. Dale Wood
- Entrance Hymn: “Welcome, happy morning,” Fortunatus, #179
- Offertory Hymn: “That Easter day with joy was bright,” Puer nobis, #193
- Communion Hymn: “We walk by faith,” St. Botolph, #209
- Dismissal Hymn: “Christ is alive! Let Christians sing!” Truro, #182
- Postlude: Fanfare—Keith Chapman