Apr 30



The Fifth Sunday of Easter, May 3, 2015

  • SUNDAY'S APPOINTED MASS READINGS: Acts 8:26-40;  Psalm 22:24-30;  I John 4:7-21;  John 15:1-8; Preaching: the Rector
  • COMPLINE: The final Compline of the season will be sung in the church this Sunday evening, May 3, at 9:00 p.m.  The night office of Compline (psalms and prayers at the completion of the day) lasts about 20 minutes.  It is sung in the quietness of the candlelit church, and serves as a lovely benediction on the Lord’s Day and preparation for the night hours leading into a new workweek.


  • BISHOP'S CALL REGARDING THE NEPAL EARTHQUAKE:  Bishop Provenzano has asked that all Episcopalians in the Diocese of Long Island respond both in prayer and action to the suffering caused by Nepal's earthquake. Amongst the many good relief agencies responding is our own national Episcopal Church's Episcopal Relief and Development Fund. This ERD is already responding to the crisis, and is prepared to receive donations and distribute appropriate aid. Information regarding ERD, and ways to contribute may be found at ERD's website.
  • NEW PARISH DIRECTORY and DATABASE UPDATING: We are preparing a new Parish Directory for 2015-16, and at the same time we are updating our database of parishioner names, addresses, etc.  If you have not received and responded to an email a request for you to double-check your personal information on file in the parish office, please inform the parish office by return e-mail so that we can contact you regarding this important matter.  Thanks.


Looking ahead to Pentecost & Summertime

  • ROGATION SUNDAY:  MAY 10.  At this time of the Church Year it is an Anglican custom to offer prayers for the growing season, and for our good stewardship of creation.  The Presiding Bishop’s recent talk regarding environmental issues may be found at http://www.episcopalcafe.com/climate-change-crisis-forum-video-and-keynote-now-accessible/
  • FIRST HOLY COMMUNION SUNDAY:  May 17, at the 11:00 Mass.
  • SPRING RUMMAGE SALE:  Saturday, June 6.  Please start looking around for items to donate to our Rummage sale, but please, please do not bring stuff until asked!
  • SUMMER SCHEDULE BEGINS:  Sunday masses move to 10:00 o’clock during the months of June through September.  Mass is simplified to accommodate for the heat.


  • EMPIRE CITY MENS CHORUS: Tuesday, May 12, in our Parish Hall.  More information and tickets at http://www.empirecitymenschorus.org
  •  CHORAL CHAMELEON: StoryTime: Part Two  CC’s last concert of its 2014-15 season will be offered not at St. Paul’s, but at ACME Studio in Williamsburg with an option of two 8:00 p.m. performances: May 16, and 21.  Information at tickets at www.choralchameleon.com 
  •  CHORAL CHAMELEON SUMMER INSTITUTE CONCERT: June 19, at St. Paul’s.  This concert of new compositions interpreted by new directors is the climax of a week of workshops offered to rising musicians.  It is always an inspiring and exciting event.

St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Clinton & Carroll Streets, Brooklyn.
718-625-4126  •  email: info@stpaulscarrollst.org  •  Donate
Rector: The Reverend Peter Cullen  |  Music Director: Vince Peterson

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