The Sixth Sunday of Easter, May 1, 2016
- Sunday School: 9:45
- Solemn Mass with Holy Baptism: 11:00
- Sunday’s Appointed Readings: Acts 16:9-15; Psalm 67; Revelation 21:10, 22-22:5; John 4:23-29; Preaching: The Rector.
- Hikers of all Abilities Invited, Saturday May 7th! Jenni Kessler and Chris Blank have organized another great day-hike in Harriman State Park, and all—parishioners and friends alike—are invited to spend this Springtime Saturday hike enjoying God’s creation. To best accommodate hikers of all abilities, two trail options have been selected, Chris to lead one, Jenni the other. Date: Saturday, May 7. Time of departure TBA, travel by car pool from St. Paul’s. Hikers are asked to bring a bag lunch, shoes fit for hiking, water, etc. Reservations may be made by emailing the parish office, or on a signup sheet available at Coffee Hour.
- AIDS Walk NY, May 15. Parishioner Catherine Torrey is coordinating those young people who would like to participate in this year’s AIDS Walk NY. As the Walk is on a Sunday, an early mass will be said for all those planning to walk. If you are interested, please ask to speak with Catherine.
- Bishop’s Visitation scheduled for June 5 - Bishop Provenzano has arranged for an “episcopal visitation” at St. Paul’s. On June 5, his Assistant, Bishop Geralyn Wolf will be with us to celebrate mass and preach. She will also be prepared to celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Baptism and to Confirm and Receive new members into the Church. Confirmation and membership classes are being prepared; look for announcements. If you are interested in Baptism or Confirmation / Reception at this time, please speak with the Rector.
- Our final Third Friday Supper of the season is scheduled for May 20th. These suppers are open to parishioners and neighbors alike. We hope they will become anticipated events, attract new people to St. Paul’s, and grow in satisfied diners! Parishioners cook up a storm in the kitchen. Guests drop in anytime between 6:00 and 8:30 p.m. to enjoy great food at a great price, then leave without the mess of dirty dishes to wash. Great idea for the end of a workweek. Adults: $15; Children: $5; max per family: $30.
- May concerts at St. Paul’s! Two great choirs will be offing concerts here. Check out their websites for tickets and information: May 13, Cerddorion: www.cerddorion.org; and May 21 & 22, Choral Chameleon: www.choralchameleon.com
- 1st Rummage Sale of 2016—Saturday, June 11, 10:00 to 2:00 Mark the date now, but please DO NOT bring donations until further notice, there’s no place to stow the stuff. Thanks.

St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Clinton & Carroll Streets, Brooklyn.
718-625-4126 • email: info@stpaulscarrollst.org • Donate
Rector: The Reverend Peter Cullen | Music Director: Vince Peterson