Apr 27



Several people have asked about the “sprinkling” we’ve been doing during the opening hymn at mass since Easter, so let me take this opportunity to offer a word of explanation.  The general name of the rite is the Asperges, meaning “to sprinkle” from the Latin version of Psalm 50, verse 9—“Thou shalt sprinkle me with hyssop, and I shall be cleansed: thou shalt wash me, and I shall be made whiter than snow”—which is the text of the antiphon traditionally sung during the actual sprinkling (we do it during the opening hymn for logistical reasons).  During Eastertide, the sprinkling is often called the Vidi Aquam, which means “living water.”  Either way, its symbolism is the same:  it is a reminder to you of your baptism during which you were made “one with Christ in his death and resurrection” (BCP, p. 858) by water and the Holy Spirit and raised to “new life in him.”  This is why the Asperges is particularly meaningful during the Easter season when we are celebrating Christ’s sacrificial death on the Cross and Resurrection.  It is traditional to cross yourself during the Asperges as a more personal acknowledgement of this rising to new life and of the promises made by you, or by your sponsors on your behalf, at your baptism.  There are many churches which do the Asperges every Sunday throughout the year.  It has been done at St. Paul’s off and on for several years during the Easter season, a tradition we are continuing this year. 
See you on Sunday.
Fr. Wallace


Saturday, April 28, 2:00-4:00, in the Library 

Our next prayer day is coming soon.  The last one was very successful—called “transformative” by one person—and we hope more people will join us this time.  Lilo Carr Rivera will again lead the group through types of prayer in a workshop/practicum experience.  This prayer day is offered as part of Bishop Provenzano’s Covenant of Prayer.  This time the group will explore:

  • The Body Fantastic—The body has been much maligned in historical Christianity.  Hairshirts, fasting and other mortifications of the flesh abound.  Learn how to systematically bring your entire physical self into the presence of God with gentle compassion.
  • Iggy's Way of Prayer—Use all 5 senses to come face-to-face with Jesus!  St. Ignatus of Loyala’s technique for engaging scripture capitalizes on our incarnated selves to bring us vividly into scripture and the presence of Christ.

If want to hear more about this, you may speak to any of participant’s from the last Prayer Day:  Fr. Wallace, Rufus Hallmark, Sandy Miller, Nick Mancino, Ben Ellis, and Marlene Donnelly. 


1:00 pm, Sunday, April 29 (right after Coffee Hour) 

Ever wonder why we do the things we do at mass?  Why we cross ourselves when we do and stand and sit when we do?  What’s happening at the altar during the Eucharistic Prayer?  What all the vestments are about? Why do we use incense?  Now is your chance.  Fr. Wallace is conducting an Instructed Eucharist, sometimes called a “teaching mass,” on Sunday afternoon, April 29, right after Coffee Hour.  We will walk through all the parts of the service, explain what it’s all about, and answer all of your questions.  Please plan to join us.



Friday, May 4th 

There are a number of Star Wars fans in the St. Paul’s family, so we are organizing a Star Wars movie night on May 4, which is International Stars Wars Day (if you’re not sure why May 4th is International Star Wars Day, just keeping saying “May the fourth” over and over to yourself, and it will come to you).  The location is undecided until we know how many people to expect.  If you are interested, please contact Fr. Wallace ASAP.  We will watch the latest movie, Star Wars: The Last Jedi, recently released on DVD, and then spend time discussing (and arguing about) it.  This event is co-sponsored by Fr. Wallace, Michael Eckblad, and all Force-Sensitives and Force-Users everywhere (We’re not that weird, honest.  It’ll be fun).



If you have a child who is seven years old (perhaps as young as six) and you think your child is ready to make his/her First Communion, now is the time.  There are several ways to go about preparing for First Communion, but the first step is to find out how many families are interested and to get organized.  Please contact Fr. Wallace by email if you are interested in First Communion.



May 4th Deadline 

The Sunday School kids will be doing their annual letter writing campaign over the next few weeks.  The kids will write letters to anyone who might want to receive a little note in the mail to brighten their day.  Maybe you know someone who is sick, or feeling a little lonely, or who would just like a little note to brighten his or her day (who wouldn't?!)  If you know anyone who would enjoy a note from the Sunday School kids, please provide his or her name and address to Jean Del Colliano, at jdelcolliano@yahoo.com.  If there are any instructions that Jean should keep in mind for the letter, please be sure to include that information (i.e., if the person is sick, please let us know so we'll make it a get well card soon, etc.).  Please provide Jean this information by May 4, 2018



St. Paul’s Sunday School is hosting its first ever diaper drive!  All donations will be given to the The Kensington, which is a temporary family homeless shelter in Brooklyn, NY, with a capacity for 64 families.  The Kensington provides ongoing case management, relocation to permanent housing, and crisis intervention (emergency food, clothing, etc), for any family in need.  We are asking for the following items to be donated:  diapers (all sizes up to and including Size 5), wipes, diaper related products, such as diaper rash cream & baby powder.  Please only bring new products, as nothing that has already been opened can be accepted.  Please place all donations in the bins in the back of the church.  The diaper drive will end on Sunday, May 20.  Thank you for any and all donations!!



St Paul's Knitting & Crafting Circle will convene again for the next four Sundays following Sunday Service through 2PM, on April 8, 15, 22 and 29.  All skill levels are welcome—come for basic instruction or just the sharing of techniques.  Bring a project you are working on of some yarn and needles to start. Beginners are advised to have worsted of bulky weight yarns and (US) needles size 6 to 10.  A light lunch of soup and bread will be available. 



Thanks to the herculean efforts of Michael Eckblad and his team, we now have complete wifi coverage over all of the church property.  This project which was approved by the vestry before Christmas last year, and the team spent many hours on several consecutive Saturdays over the winter months in cramped, cold and dirty places, drilling holes, running wires, and setting everything up.  Please thank Michael Eckblad, Benoit Guerin, Willie Martinez, Ken Schwartz, and volunteers Mark Maceachen and Rob Mosher for all their hard work.  The name of the network is Rectory-Trustee, and the password, which will be changed regularly, will be posted on the bulletin board in the Parish Hall.



The Sunday School children are excited to announce that St. Paul's successfully raised $126 dollars from the lemonade/iced tea stand for St. Jude's Children's Hospital!  Thank you to everyone for your support and donations for this wonderful cause!



Fr. Wallace will be away from the parish this-coming week, Tuesday through Thursday, May 1-3, to attend the annual LI Diocesan Clergy Conference in Riverhead.  He will be available by phone and email in the case of emergencies.



  • Thursday, May 10, 7:00 pm, Brooklyn Deanery Celebration, High Mass of the Ascension at Christ Church, Cobble Hill.
  • Sunday, June 3, 4:00 pm, Brooklyn Deanery Celebration of Corpus Christi, Solemn Evensong and Benediction at Christ Church, Cobble Hill; Guest Preacher, Fr. Sean Wallace, St. Paul’s Carroll Street.


The Fifth Sunday of Easter

  • Solemn High Mass: 11:00 AM
  • Sunday's Appointed Readings and Homily
    • The First Reading—Acts 8:26-40
    • Psalm 30
    • Epistle—1 John 4:7-21
    • The Gospel—John 15:1-8
    • Sermon—Fr. Wallace
  • Music
    • Prelude:  Après Un Rêve—Gabriel Fauré, arr. Diane Bish
    • Entrance Hymn:   “The day of resurrection,” Ellacombe, Hymnal #210
    • Offertory Anthem:  If ye love me—Thomas Tallis
    • Communion Hymn: “For the bread which you have broken,” Omni Die, Hymnal #341
    • Dismissal Hymn:  “This joyful Eastertide,” Vreuchten, Hymnal #192
    • Postlude:  Trumpet Voluntary—John Stanley 

St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Clinton & Carroll Streets, Brooklyn.
718-625-4126  •  email: info@stpaulscarrollst.org  •  Donate
The Rev. Dr. Sean M. Wallace, Interim  
Alex Canovas, Music Director
Nathan Taylor, Organist

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