April 30, 2017
- Sunday School: 9:45
- Solemn Mass: 11:00
- Sunday's Appointed Readings:Acts 2: 14a, 36-41; Psalm 116: 1-2, 10-17; 1 Peter 1: 17-23; Luke 24 13-35;
- Preaching: The Rector
- Community Panel Discussion on Racism and Reconciliation for the parish and wider community will be offered here on the afternoon of May 14. Mark your calendars now, and watch for exciting particulars.
- St. Paul's Flea - May 20 / 21 - Yes, that’s right, a two-day long Flea Market in our Parish Hall. Note the early Spring dates; just in time for your spring cleaning. There is NO fall flea market scheduled this year; we hope to raise an even larger amount of money by running our sale as usual on Saturday, and continuing on Sunday after Church. DONATIONS: We are now accepting donations of clean, unbroken, non-electronic household goods and clothing of good quality. (Midweek deliveries by appointment.)
- May is Mary’s Month! By tradition, the Church remembers the Blessed Mother during the Month of May. In our secular calendar, Mother’s Day also falls during May (this year, May 14).
- The Sacrament of Holy Baptism will be celebrated at the 11:00 Mass on May 7.
- First Holy Communions will be administered at the 11:00 mass on May 14.
- The last Sunday of our Sunday School’s Spring Semester, AND the last Sunday of our Choral Season, is set May 21st.
- Summer Schedule (Sunday Mass at 10:00) begins on June 4th, and runs through the last Sunday of September. This year, June 4 is the Feast of Pentecost.

St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Clinton & Carroll Streets, Brooklyn.
718-625-4126 • email: info@stpaulscarrollst.org • Donate
Rector: The Reverend Peter Cullen | Music Director: Vince Peterson