Announcements Nov 24, 2014


The Season Changes

A Thanksgiving Grace from the Prayer Book:

Give us grateful hearts, our Father, for all thy mercies, and make us mindful of and responsive to the needs of others, through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

This Coming Sunday, November 30th, is the first Sunday of Advent.

Mass begins with the Great Litany in Procession.  The first of the Advent wreath’s four candles is lit and our expectant preparation of the Christmas feast begins. During Advent, envelopes will be available at mass for contributions towards greening the Church for Christmas. Please PRINT clearly the names (in memory or in thanksgiving) that you would like to have listed in the Christmas Midnight Mass bulletin.  Please write your own name on the envelope so that you can be credited for your donation.



Fall Food Drive at St. Paul's.

This Sunday is the last chance to participate in the November collection for the food pantry run by First Presbyterian Church in Brooklyn Heights.  Bins in the rear of the church are ready for your donations.

Annual Christmas Book Drive.

St. Paul’s is collecting new books to be given as gifts to children ages 6 through 18.  Unwrapped book donations should be brought to Church by December 14.  After mass on that day special “wrappers” will do that for you.  For more information, speak with Anne Hallmark.

Looking Forward to December

More Parish Board Photography.

The next chance to have your picture taken for our Parish Hall Photo ID Board will be at Coffee Hour on December 14th.

Adult Christian Education – Messiah.

Also on December 14th, in preparation for our Messiah sing the following week, Rufus Hallmark and Vince Peterson will lead a discussion on George Frideric Handel’s most famous work.

Christmas Gift Sales are planned for Coffee Hours on December 14 and December 21. 

If you have any craft items you would like to include in the sales, please speak to John Lord.  Who knows! You might be able to get your stocking stuffers at St. Paul’s this year.

Holiday Cookie Workshop.

On Saturday, December 20th, at 9:00AM come to the parish kitchen and bake holiday cookies to be served at the reception following the Sing-it-Yourself Messiah  on the following day.  Talk to John Lord, if you are interested in helping at this tasty event.

2nd Annual Sing-it-Yourself Messiah

4:00, Sunday, December 21st.  Our final fun-fund-raiser of the year was such a hit last year that we are repeating it! Bring your friends and warm the season by singing again Messiah’s choruses.  Tickets will be available this coming Sunday after mass, or you can purchase tickets at

Other Holiday Concerts at St. Paul’s

Empire City Men’s Chorus

A Stable Lamp is Lighted Saturday, December 6th at 8 pm.

Choral Chameleon and Chameleonic

Sunday, December 14th at 7 pm.
Visit the church website: for more details.  Click on “Music”.

St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Clinton & Carroll Streets, Brooklyn.
718-625-4126  •  email:  •  Donate
Rector: The Reverend Peter Cullen  |  Music Director: Vince Peterson

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