As Father Cullen prepares for retirement in September, your Wardens and Vestry are moving forward in the transition process of finding a new Rector. St. Paul's experienced this 30 years ago and Nick Mancino, our current treasurer, was part of the search team. When Father Peter read his letter to the Vestry announcing his retirement, Nick was the first to speak. He offered simple words of thanks for Father Peter's 30 years of devoted service as our pastor, then offered words of encouragement. That describes perfectly where we are now. Let us give thanks, and look to our future.
Our Diocesan guide throughout the transition process is the Reverend Canon Thomas Orso. Your Wardens met with him two weeks ago at his office in Garden City, and your Vestry will meet him this weekend at St. Paul's. Sandy and I found him welcoming and wise. He listened and asked questions about our congregation as we talked about St. Paul's, its community and the challenges we face as an urban Anglo-Catholic church.
Canon Orso works directly with Bishop Provenzano. Together they will identify an Interim Priest who they feel is a “good fit” to provide the pastoral care and administrative support a Rector provides while the Vestry and others focus on the call of a new Rector. The Vestry will interview the Interim before they are hired. As the Interim may not be identified until mid-October, one or more Supply Priests may be hired to celebrate the Eucharist and provide all necessary sacraments for the congregation.
Our first step as Vestry is to appoint a Transition Team from among the congregation. Members of the Team will work throughout the transition process to ensure no parishioner feels ignored or lost during this time. They will act as support for all clergy during the transition, including Father Peter as we prepare to say good-bye. They will be asking for your prayers and thoughts for the present and future of St. Paul's. If you have any questions or concerns, please speak to me or Sandy or anyone on the Vestry.
Our second step as Vestry will be to identify a Search Committee Chair to begin the next phase of transition.
Let us all now focus on celebrating Father Peter and the 30 years he has been our beloved Rector. September 10th is his scheduled last day. The best gift we can give him is our assurance we are ready to embrace the future, and with the help of God, find a new Rector, keep our doors open, keep or hearts and minds open, and welcome all to share in the worship of our Lord at St. Paul's.
Ben Ellis, Senior Warden
Sandy Miller, Junior Warden
Your Vestry:
Doug Munson
Tony Gini,
Lori Sims,
Keith Edwards,
JillEllyn Riley
Francis Rivera
Your Treasurer:
Nick Mancino
Your Clerk-of-Vestry:
Drew Helstovsky