6-8-19 Eblast



Tomorrow is a big Sunday at St. Paul’s.  It’s the Feast of Pentecost, of course, the only Sunday whose liturgical color is red, from the fire of the Holy Spirit which appeared at the first Pentecost as “cloven tongues of fire” over the heads of the Disciples.  Consequently, it is traditional for people to wear red to mass on Pentecost.
It’s also the last Sunday of the program year, which means several things.  First, tomorrow is the last Sunday with mass at 11:00 am.   Beginning next Sunday, June 16, our summer schedule begins, with mass at 10:00 am.  Secondly, tomorrow is the last Coffee Hour of the year.  With the summer schedule comes the “summer refreshments” after mass.  Producing Coffee Hour is a tremendous undertaking every week, and we are very, very grateful to JillEllyn Riley, the head of the Hospitality Guild, and everyone who works so hard to make our Coffee Hour not only an important part of our fellowship and shared life in Christ, but also a warm and welcoming place for our visitors.  Please take the opportunity to thank JillEllyn and everyone in the Hospitality Guild for their hard work and dedication to this ministry.
Finally, tomorrow is the last Sunday of the year for our wonderful choir.  They work incredibly hard to enrich our worship through their musical offerings and leadership.  Please find the time to express your gratitude and thank Alex Canovas, our Director of Music; Nathan Taylor, our Organist; and all the members of the choir for another tremendous year of music making in service to Almighty God and this parish family.  In addition, Alex has composed a piece for our celebration of Pentecost and the choir’s last Sunday.  We will be treated to a world premier tomorrow at the Offertory!  Many thanks to Alex for this special gift to God and to St. Paul’s.
As if all this weren’t enough, tomorrow is First Communion Sunday for eight of our younger members.  They have been meeting regularly over the past few weeks to prepare, and tomorrow is the day.  As is customary, the First Communicants will sit in the front two sections of the pews with their families and friends, and they will receive Holy Communion first.  I’m sure you will want to congratulate them on this important step in their spiritual lives.
Lots to celebrate tomorrow. 
See you at Mass,
Fr. Wallace


Those receiving their First Communions tomorrow are:  Nicholas (Niko) Cheatham, Anaïs Rose Gaya Dugdale, Maxwell (Max) Abraham Gentzler, Theodore (Theo) Jackson Gentzler, Anna Fredericka Kauff, Tsinat (Tess) Allyn Schriver, Emmanuel (Nino) Paul Racine Tran, and Andrea Giovanna Dorothea Ghirardi.


Mass at 10:00 am



They will be available at Coffee Hour.  The St. Paul’s Directory is provided as a courtesy.  They are for in-house use only and not to be distributed outside our community.  We make our best effort to be accurate in the listings; however, if you see typos, or if you move or change your contact information, please let us know:  Info@stpaulscarrollst.org.


Renovation of the third-floor apartment in the Rectory is underway under the sage guidance of Ben Ellis, in preparation for our next rector to occupy the space.  This much needed work will create a safer and more flexible building to better serve the needs of the parish and wider community for years to come.  The newly designed three-bedroom, two-bath apartment is nearing completion.
The cost of the renovation is $56,000.  The good news:  we only need to raise half of that: $28,000.  Why? We received a grant from the Diocese last year, and one parish family pitched in more.  With $28,000 in the bank, half of our expenses have already been met.
Our goal is to match these gifts
by raising $28,000 by June 30th.
Please send a check marked Capital Campaign 2019, or donate online today! If you have any questions, speak to Nick or Nancy, campaign co-chairs. Our deadline is June 30, 2019.Thank you for doing your part to put St. Andrew’s House in order.  You won’t get a tote bag or some other token; just the satisfaction that you have helped to sustain St. Paul's into the future.
In this Easter season of renewal and rebirth, please give generously. Remember: some employers will match your donation. You are also encouraged to spread the word in your community, and reach out to family and friends.  All help is welcome.
Nancy Webster & Nick Mancino 
Campaign Co-Chairs                                                                           


Friday through Sunday, June 7-9

Bishop Provenzano is a member of Bishops United Against Gun Violence.  He sent the following letter to the clergy of the Diocese and asked us to pass it along to our parishes:

May 18, 2019
Dear Clergy and Other Parish Leaders,
Wear Orange
Bishops United Against Gun Violence (BUAGV) and “Everytown for Gun Safety” are promoting Wear Orange Weekend on June 8-9, with Gun Violence Awareness Day kicking off the weekend on June 7. 
“Everytown” is a movement of Americans working together to end gun violence and build safer communities. 
Documentary film:
Making A Killing: Guns, Greed, and the NRA is a documentary that shares the perspective of victims and their stories of suffering, and also reminds us to address evils that invest in injustice, like special interests.  View the trailer and sign-up to arrange for a screening by clicking:  https://www.bravenewfilms.org/makingakilling.  To learn more, contact Tahil Sharma.  Tahil Sharma is an interfaith minister in residence at the Diocese of Los Angeles and faith outreach manager for Brave New Films.
> Click here for Overview of June 7, 2019 - 5th National Gun Violence Awareness Day
Yours in Christ,
The Right Reverend Lawrence C. Provenzano
Bishop of Long Island


Twelve of your fellow parishioners, including Fr. Wallace, have committed to St. Paul’s pilgrimage to the Holy Land, January 20th―29th, 2020.  Won’t you join us?!  Please see the poster in the Parish Hall and the flyers on the back table for details.  This is an extraordinary opportunity for experience a life-changing event.  Please don’t miss it!  Ask Fr. Wallace or Nick Gjeca if you have any questions.


  • Sunday, July 21, 10:00 am
  • Sunday, August 18, 10:00 am


In the course of the Search Committee presentation on the status and process of the rector search at the parish Annual Meeting on January 27, the Committee offered interested parishioners a tool to reach out to it regarding any concerns they might wish to voice related to the search. If you want to provide your suggestions or comments, please contact us at search@stpaulscarrollst.org.


For St. Paul’s:
O God, by whom the meek are guided in judgment, and light riseth up in darkness for the godly:  Grant us, we beseech thee, in all our doubts and uncertainties, the grace to ask what thou wouldest have us to do, that the Spirit of wisdom may save us from all false choices, and that in thy light we may see light,, and in thy straight path may not stumble; through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.
For the Search Committee: 
Almighty God, giver of every good gift:  Look graciously on St. Paul’s, and so guide the minds of Keith, Monika, Anne, Michael, Willie, Julie, Cynthia, Ken, and Rob, and all those who shall call a rector for this parish, that they may receive a faithful pastor, who will care for thy people and equip us for our ministries; through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.


The Sunday of Pentecost:  Whitsunday

Appointed Readings and Sermon
The First Reading—Acts 2:1-21
Psalm 104:25-35, 37
The Epistle—Romans 8:22-27
The Gospel—John 14:8-17, 25-27
Sermon:  Fr. Wallace
Mass Setting:  Missa de Sancta Maria Magdalena―Healy Willan
Organ Prelude:  Adagio in G Minor—Tomaso Albinoni; transcribed, Diane Bish
Hymn at the Procession:  “Hail thee festival day,” Hymnal, 225
Anthem at the Offertory:   “In the Last Days”—Alex Canovas (world premier)
Anthem at Communion: “Antiphon” (from Five Mystical Songs)—Ralph Vaughan Williams
Hymn at Communion: Come down, O Love Divine,” Hymnal, 516
Hymn after the Blessing: “Guide me, O thou great Jehovah,” Hymnal, 690
Organ Postlude:  Litanies—Jehan Alain


St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Clinton & Carroll Streets, Brooklyn.
718-625-4126  •  email: info@stpaulscarrollst.org  •  Donate
The Rev. Dr. Sean M. Wallace, Interim  
Alex Canovas, Music Director
Nathan Taylor, Organist

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